V: jen

J: tae

V:hey are you ok?


V: don't be sad ,We will overcome this situation together

J: thanks tae,thats why you are my favourite

V chuckled.

V: jen ,don't use social media for sometime

J:I will be careful tae

V: Goodnight and smile for me

Jennie giggled at his talks .V smile widely .

V: that's the best gift for new year.Thats so beautiful.

J: Which gift ?

V: Your giggles

Jennie was startled by his response.Her cheeks turned to light red .

V:Sleep well and Happy New year.

J: Happy New year

She hanged up in instant and held her chest where her heart is beating so fast .she mumbled to herself.

J: You made me hurt by your words but made me forgive you by your cute antics .Now i am feeling so happy and satisfied just by a barely three minutes call from you .It's like you are the pain and you itself is the medicine.


   Next day was a hell for both BTS and Blackpink. Jennie controlled all her emotions like pro .But tae was  full on depressed mode . They keep on glancing each other.Tae secretly made her calm .chaelisoo and other BTS members was keep on checking on Jennie .Jimin smiled at her to make her know he is with her .

                          When they were going to dance , lisa made Jennie laugh by  doing her stupid antics .Jisoo smiled seeing jennie's smile .But rosè was full on ' I will kill you if you made my wifey cry'. Her death stare can make any one die .Thier whole dance performance was serious .All can feel thier angry mood .After that Jennie was called by staff for changing her outfit .She started to be nervous and try to grab lisa .But staff stop .Tae witness this all .He want to go to her and hug her .After sometime chaelisoo went behind her and made her calm .

       When chaelisoo came back to thier seat , Tae lied to yoongi that he want to go to toilet.Yoongi just followed him but a staff call him for some clarification,in that chance tae went to Jennie .

                Jennie was talking to her make up noona .

J: Noona, can you put little more make up to cover my puffy eyes

Noona patted her head with sad smile and started to do what she said .Tae stay there till they are done .When make up noona went to other staffs , tae sneakly get in and close the door .

J: noona

V: it's tae

Jennie get up and look at him with wide eyes through mirror.She get up from there and stand there not knowing what to do .Tae came closer to her and hug her by hiding her in his chest .She hug him back .he slowly carresed her hair .

J: tae, why are you here?

V: To make sure you are ok

J: I am ok ,tae

Suddenly her phone ring and Kai's name flash that made tae glare at phone .He broke the hug .

V: Why he is calling you

J: don't know

V: So both you are texting and calling each other huh

J: No tae,you misunderstood

V was literally so jealous and angry .The fight made Jennie to tear up .when he saw a tear drop on her eyes he calm down in instant.

J: tae, I really don't know why he is calling me .

He immediately wipe her tears and kiss her forehead with so much love .she close her eyes.

V:shh ,I am sorry .Don't cry ok .I will control my anger .Don't be sad because of this , do your best performance on stage .I am just worried about you .And if you perform well .I will come to your dorm and sing you 'best part '.ok?

His voice was calm and soft that made her smile .

J: promise

She showed her pinky finger.He wrapped his pinky finger to her .Her cute little pinky finger look more cute with his hand .He cooed internally.

V:pink promise

He smiled and pat her head .


Her performance was going to start all are nervous.All idols wonder how she going to perform just after a day of dating rumour.

      V look at her when she walk like a queen as she should and perform it like a real performer , his eyes filled with tears thinking about her but stay strong as her .All become hypnotized by her performance.Rm really got hypnotized and he just want to beat himself .He knows tae will beat him up when he see this on social media .

" God save me , please" .Rm prayed silently.

That day ended without more consequences.Now tae is waiting for the day Jennie will be free from this .

Hey loves ❣️,

I am back , I was busy with my exams .

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