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Months had passed , now Blackpink and BTS is preparing for thier comeback.Within this month's BP and BTS made a beautiful friendship between them.All are very much close to each other.But there is this trio that  named themself as "triple J".And today they are going to introduce themself as triple J.

              Blacktan in your area


Bunny:hyungs, noonas and idiot

Limario:don't call me that, stupid

Bunny:I am not in a mood to fight you 😏

Hope: good morning 😃

Alien :what 🥱

Handsome:what now 😶

Joonie:Not again😅

Yoong:why are you guys always disturbing us in morning 😒

Beauty: different day same drama😐


Mochi:yah Mandu , where are you

Bunny:Noona it's time to show them

Mandu:Here I am 😍

Bunny:ok let's start

Alien:Just say it coconut head 😒

Bunny:Noonaaaa 🥺

Mandu:yah tae don't be mean to my bunny 🤨

Alien:ok, Bunny's noona😅



Mochi:So guys we decided our group name

Beauty:we already have group name, then what are you talking🤔

Mandu:unnie, it's whole members group name.We are talking about our 3 members group name.

Pasta:oh wow

Limario:well I am excited ✌🏻

Bunny:so our group name


Mochi:triple J 😎

Hope: 😲 wow


Handsome:kids 🤦



Beauty: disappointed not surprised😐

Pasta:I loved it🥳🥰

Limario:wow 🔥

All left the chat Except triple J

Mandu:why, it's cute and cool right🙄

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