"Baby, what's going on?" Rhett had a hand on each of Shiloh's cheeks, rubbing the pad of his thumbs gently over the skin.

"I-I'm gonna stand out. Everyone's gonna stare. You didn't tell me I should wear something dark. Everyone's in black a-and leather and dark colors! A-and I-I'm..." Shiloh's eyes were watering, tears threatening to spill.

"What did we tell you when you asked if your outfit was okay?" Malin's voice came from behind as his hands played with Shiloh's white hair.

Shiloh was silent for a moment, eyes locked on Rhett's, "That- That I look perfect."

"And when you asked if you should change?"

"You asked me not to..." Shiloh blinked quickly, trying to push the tears back but only succeeding in pushing them over only for the drops to be whipped away by Rhett's thumbs.

"Because you do look perfect, so pretty for us babydoll. It doesn't matter what everyone else is wearing, you look wonderful. But if you're not comfortable, you can leave your jeans and shirt on. That's completely okay too." Rhett smiled softly at Shiloh, he hated seeing them so upset and anxious but was so extremely proud of each step they take.

Shiloh nodded shyly, not moving to say anything else. Rhett picked Shiloh up easily, turning them so Shiloh was straddling him with their face tucked into his neck. He slipped his hands under the large t-shirt, rubbing Shiloh's back through the silk soothingly. Their baby relaxed immediately into the comforting touch.

Malin sat in the chair next to them, placing his hand on Shiloh's thigh, before turning his attention to the two, nearly identical, men sitting behind the desk. The only obvious difference between the two was their facial expressions, where one was hard and serious the other was relaxed and grinning.

"Killian and Osiris, right? Nick recommended this place to us and said he would set everything up?"

"Yup, I'm Osiris and Mr. Silent and Serious over here is Killian." Shiloh's body shook with a silent giggle at the tease. "Nick sent over both of your information, and everything looks good. I'll just need your signatures on a couple documents and you'll be all set. He did mention you had a third with you, but I don't have anything else for this little one." Shiloh peaked over their shoulder at the twins as they were brought up.

"Shiloh is new to the scene, but is curious and is deciding if training is something they want to move forward with. They know that you'll need to talk to them to go over some things."

"Will they be okay if you two step out?" Shiloh grinned at the use of the correct pronouns.

"Will you be okay, Shiloh? We'll only be just outside the door."

Shiloh sat back and pouted up at Rhett, "I might be nervous about all these new things, but I'm not scared of people. I could probably beat you both up if I wanted to."

"We don't doubt that, Doll." The grins Malin and Rhett were both giving caused Shiloh to break the pout and smile back.

Shiloh squeaked as Rhett stood before placing them back in the chair and heading for the office chair, followed closely by Malin. Shiloh squirmed in the large chair as they looked at the two nervously.

"You're alright. We just want to make sure that you want to be here and understand exactly what you are getting into. We received their background so we know they've been a part of this lifestyle for some time. You don't have to tell us you're whole background, but we just need to make sure you're here because you want to be."

"I.." Shiloh took a deep breath. "I'll be the first to admit I don't know a lot about the world... or myself really. After a recent accident Malin and Rhett have been helping me discover things, figure out what I enjoy and who I am. Before the accident, I was working as their bodyguard which included accompanying them to the BDSM club they attended. I stayed along the outskirts doing my job that night, but after that, I did so much research. The accident changed a lot of things... I uhm.. Got injured... and Malin and Rhett have been helping me since. They've explained why I feel certain ways, like why they/them feels so much better than he... I want to be here. I want to know more. I don't know just yet if it's something I'll actually be able to do, but I want to know what it is." Shiloh kept their eyes on the desk through the explanation.

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