Aizawa Comforting a Quirkless Student~

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Requested by: RandomThingsOfMine

■ Ever since you were born, you couldn't help but feel inferior to the majority of the population. Everywhere you went, there was a constant reminder: They have a quirk, you don't. Ever since that one stupid doctor's visit, you've felt like you were nothing. You couldn't breathe fire, you couldn't float, or even have telepathic powers. And everybody around you made sure you knew and understood: You're the ones that heroes save, not the one that saves others.

■ But despite all that, a part of you wanted to defy that. A part of you wanted to break the conception that quirkless people weren't strong and that they couldn't hold their own. You were so tired of being the person in distress. You wanted to kick ass, damnit! Why couldn't they understand that?!

■ When you heard that U.A. changed its restrictions on who could be excepted, you almost cried. All you had to do was pass a test and your dreams could come true. You could be a hero.

■ Unfortunately, you didn't get into the hero course. Eh, you were expecting it anyway... Instead, you got placed in class 1-B. Hell, you were happy with that. A few classmates got on your nerves, specifically Monoma. He would always remind you that you didn't have a quirk and that you should be grateful you got this far. Let's just say Kendo chopped him extra hard for those comments.

■ On those days, you would mask any anger you had towards him and replace it with a smile. Sure, it was a forced smile, but still a smile, nonetheless. You knew bottling it up was far from healthy, but if you didn't, he'd end up with a few bruises and a bloody nose. Oh well, you could just imagine it instead of actually doing the action.

■ Everybody has their limit of how much they can take, and today, he broke it. He broke you. And all he said was "How's it feel to be a quirkless? Bet your parents are proud to have such a rare, powerless child." Fuck. It was so stupid, not even a clever insult. But yet it still broke you. It still made your eyes water and throat burn. It still made you feel weak. You pushed him out o the way, running out of the classroom to avoid him seeing you cry.

■ You ran through the halls, hot tears streaming down your face. (Un)fortunately for you, Aizawa had seen you run. Usually, he wouldn't pry, but something about the way your arm covered a majority of your face, the way you were panting and shaking, made him follow you. Of course, you didn't notice him follow you as you bolted into the bathroom. You closed the door, pressed your back to it, and let your body slump against the door, bringing you to a sitting position.

■ You thought you were alone as you choked out a sob, bringing your hands to your face. You were so pissed off and upset, you wished you could scream until the sky fell apart. But- 1: You were in a school bathroom. 2: It would alert others nearby. 3: It would hurt afterward.

■ Aizawa heard you through the door, deciding to sit down on the other side. With the back of his pointer fingers' knuckle, he knocked on the door. Not hard enough to startle you, but not soft enough to go unnoticed. He waited a second before speaking. "You okay in there...?"

■ You took a few deep breaths, trying to sound as emotionally stable as possible. "Y-yeah, I'm fine!" You mentally cursed yourself for that stutter. You for sure thought that would work, even with that little slip-up.

■ He rolled his tired, dry eyes. "Come on, kid. We both know you're not okay right now. Why don't you come out of that dirty old bathroom? I'll take you to the teacher's lounge so we can talk." He used a tone of voice that let you know that "No" wasn't an answer.

■ You shakily stood up, taking a deep breath as you opened the door. You watched him stand as well, giving you a look of sympathy. You knew you had to look terrible: Face red and blotchy, bloodshot eyes, quivering lip. You had it all.

■ He lead you to the nearby teacher's lounge, then sat on the couch. He patted the cushion next to him, motioning you to sit. You complied, sitting down next to him. "So," he spoke "what's wrong? What has you so beaten down, kid?"

■ You explained everything to him: The bullying, your background, upbringing, Monoma, everything. He nodded as you spoke, occasionally handing you a new tissue to wipe your tears with. After you were done venting, he began to speak.

"Kid, I'm sorry you had to deal with all of that. Really, I am. I'll be sure that Vlad King has a chat with Monoma. So hopefully, the bullying and taunting will stop." he paused briefly, choosing his next words carefully "Do you know why U.A. changed their rules?" he asked. You shook your head 'no'. He spoke again "It's because of kids like you. It's not your fault that you don't have a quirk. We realize people like you want to be strong and treated equally to someone with a quirk. Sure, we can't allow you to join the hero course. That would just be dangerous and unfair to you. And frankly, our track record can't afford to have anymore... bad.. things on it." he said, pausing slightly. "You've got a bright future ahead of you, kid. You've got what it takes to be a hero. Even if you're not a traditional hero with a quirk, I think with enough training, you could make it out there. My quirk erases another quirk for a period of time. It doesn't make me faster or stronger or anything fancy like that. I had to put in the training and effort for that. I think you can too, kid. Give it a try and see where it takes you."

■ You immediately gave him a hug, thanking him for the kind words. He chuckled, hugging you back, then pulling away after a moment. "Come on, kid. Let's get you back to class."

Andddddd done! Thank you so much for reading!!! Have a wonderful day/night!!! <3333

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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