Date #4 Chris

391 41 14

Calliope POV

  This time, I'm leaving nothing to chance.

  I've vetted date number four as much as I possibly could through Matthew without ruining anything. He swears to me that I should have no fears or worries about being interrupted by overbearing family members, insane wives, or being arrested. 

  I also may or may not have gone through an extensive list of questioning of my own through text messages, finally begging for the guys number so I can actually speak to him before hand. 

  "Not happening, Calli. He's a busy guy."

  I frown down at my phone, internally groaning as I type out my question. "Like Mob Boss busy? Pimp busy? Baby Mama Drama busy? Or actually working a job that requires his attention busy?"

  A round of laughing emojis comes through quick before he responds with, "an actual real job."

  As an extra method of caution I've decided to drive myself to the location of the date.  There will be no more picking me up from my home before at least a third date, and quite possibly no acceptance of gifts either. 

  "Where am I meeting him again?"

  He goes on to tell me about a new indoor activity place that has putt-putt, laser tag, indoor rock climbing and a few other things. It's an odd day for a date considering it's just Monday afternoon, a rare day off for me during the week. But, at Matthew's urging he said his guy's schedule allowed for the odd day date as well and encouraged me to keep it as the location wouldn't be busy with school still in session. 

  I decide casual dress is the way to go, and maybe decide on more layers than necessary after Grabby Hands and wandering eyes have now made me even more self conscious than I feel on a normal basis. 

  With my hair slicked back into a high pony and minimal make up, I decide on a pair of distressed skinnies, white Converse and my Colts hoodie over a plain black tee. Looking in the mirror I realize I've made minimal effort for date number four, but too much effort has proven to be wasted each time, so maybe I'm hoping for some reverse psychology to come into play. 

  Once I'm through traffic and parked outside the location called The Landing, I flip through my messages with Matthew again, looking for the reminder on the guy's looks. 

  "His name is Chris. He's got brown hair, blue eyes and a beard. Tall but not gonna tower over you. Nice guy. From Boston area."

  I take a deep breath before popping a piece of peppermint gum into my mouth. "Here goes nothing."

  I watch the door like a hawk from the bench that's sat across from the registers. After the tenth glance at my watch I realize he's already fifteen minutes late. My fingernails are nonexistent at this point, chewed down to numbs that I'm wishing could be covered quickly by polish. Deciding to text Matthew and let him know number four is it's own disaster as well I pull out my phone. 

  While staring down at my fingers typing rapidly I hear a deep voice say the name I've been waiting on. "Chris."

  My eyes shoot up in the direction of the voice. A tall, brunette with a beard, stands with a phone against his ear. 

  So that's Chris.

  His cell hides the majority of his face but I square my shoulders and walk closer towards him. "Chris?" I question a little loudly.  The guy's head flicks towards mine and I'm met with a pair of angelic blues that seem taken aback. "Hi, I'm Calliope, Matt's friend."

  The smallest of smiles begin to grow against his mouth as he tells the person on the line that he needs to go. With a slip of his cell in his front pocket he puts his hand out towards me. "Nice to meet you, Calliope, Matt's friend."  My hand shrinks in comparison to his as his fingers wrap around my hand with ease.  I blush at the simple action, before noticing his Pat's sweatshirt. 

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