Date #2: Jeremy

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  Two days after the disaster that was Ian 'The Mama's Boy' Calliope prepares for the second blind date in less than a week. She'd be crazy to continue going through with this insanity, but what else does she actually  have to do other than go to work, come home, cook for one and listen to both of her parents question all of her life decisions. 

  Least she could do is get a free meal out of it, right?

  Oh, wait. She didn't get that with Ian.

  One can hope that tonight's date with Jeremy would prove to be different. Can't be worse, right?

  She discovered this was a guy that Luke worked with a couple of years ago, but they've kept in touch via Facebook, thus the reason no one would tell Calliope the guy's last name. "That wouldn't be fair for you to research him. He can't research you."

  This date was set to be more laid back, finding out that she'd be going to watch the Celtics play at The Garden. Never much of a basketball fan, she was still willing to give it a shot. If it's something the guy she's with is really interested in and this actually manages to go somewhere, then she'd be willing to learn what she needs to in order to converse about the sport. 

  However, she's felt that basketball players tend to act like big babies and fake the simplest of injuries. Luke happily reminds her to keep those comments to herself. 

  Looking over her closet once more she finally decides on a dark navy sweater, black jeans and her white Converse low tops. As she swipes a clear gloss over her lips her cell goes off, alerting her to the Lyft she'd ordered to take her to the arena. While she doesn't drink and doesn't have to worry about driving drunk, she just doesn't want to deal with the traffic and parking, letting someone else take on that responsibility.

  Headed towards the arena she gets a notification of a ticket that's been sent to her cell, via Luke since she asked for them to not give out her number to anyone through this obscure Christmas gift until she saw fit.  When she sees the crowd outside of The Garden, she can tell that it makes a lot more sense to meet up at the seats. She'd never be able to find the guy amongst all of the people. 

  The attendant scans her phone, welcoming her in and pointing her towards her section. A quick trip through the bathroom and she's headed down to find her seat.  Taking note of the numbers she counts ahead of her, seeing that it looks like the guy is already there.  With a deep breath and a swallow she lets her feet guide her down the rest of the way, stopping just about five rows up from the court. 

  The guy sits on the end of the row, and she double checks her ticket before speaking. "Calliope?" a voice asks, pulling her eyes up from her phone. 

  "Jeremy?" He gives a nod, standing up to reveal the green Celtics shirt and ball cap on top of dark hair.  Immediately he opens up his arms, offering a hug along with a kind smile. Calliope returns the gesture, her nerves on edge as he scoots out of the row to give her space to enter. 

  "I wasn't sure what you'd like to drink," he tells her, pointing towards his cup of beer that sits in the holder. 

  "Oh, I'm alright at the moment. I might grab a soda later." She looks around the arena, taking note of the people that file in, all dressed in shades of green.

  "Looks like you chose the wrong colors." She looks down at her attire, confused by why he'd say that. "We're playing Orlando. Their colors are blue, black and white."

  Calliope's hand goes to her mouth as she chuckles out an "oops."  

 Thankfully he laughs along with her, pulling his hat off of his head, revealing a buzz cut. "That should counteract the mishap." 

  "Thanks," she responds, a tiny bit of a blush creeping onto the apple of her cheeks. 

  As the crowd gathers around them they discuss her job and even a bit about her family. Already  it's the complete opposite of her night with Ian, seeing as how she's actually able to complete a sentence. 

  And there's been no phone call from a mother.

  "Game's about to start. How about that drink?" he offers, downing the beer in his own cup.

  "Sure. I'll come with, if that's alright?" She wasn't quite comfortable enough to leave him alone with her drink just yet.

  By the tip off of the second quarter, Jeremy had taught Calli several bits and pieces to help better understand the sport. The main one being the point of getting the ball through the net. When he made that joke, she playfully pushed against his shoulder. "I'm not that stupid."

  He smiled at her with his deep brown eyes. "No, I definitely don't think you are." He watches that rosy color cover her cheeks again. "But you are pretty."

  She hides behind her hands. "Stop it!"

  "What?" he laughs, "you are."

Calliope POV

  Conversation stalls as the game heats up through the third quarter, but it seems to be going well. I'm almost to the point where I'm ready to text Lucy and tell her I'll be taking this guy for a second date. 

  During the short intermission between the third and fourth quarter the announcer pulls everyone's attention to the JumboTron, making it known that the Kiss Cam had begun.  Jeremy takes a pull from his third beer of the night, laughing at the first couple of people they toss up on the screen. But as I watch the screen, I see his laugh turn to a smirk when it lands on the two of us, my own eyes going wide. 

  His hand finds the side of my face and tries to pull my lips towards his as my hands go to his chest trying to only give him my cheek. The encouragement from the crowd only fuels him further and suddenly my mouth is being dominated by his tongue, for the entire Garden to witness. 

  My stomach lurches at the taste of the alcohol on his tongue. I don't even realize that my hand that was shoving against his chest is now connecting with the side of his face. He jerks back, "What the hell was that for?"

  "It's a first friggin date!" I yell at him, the people around us gasping at the altercation. "Not even that, it's not even been two hours of the first date."

  "So," he smirks back at me, "when we hit two hours, does that mean I can get another one? And maybe a ride back to my place?" his voice slurs, letting me know that he's drunk.

  My annoyance releases in a huff as I stand, grab the hat off of my head and drop it back on his own. "I think I'm good."

  "Yeah, I think you are." I hear a voice from a couple rows up on the steps. The blonde walking down towards me, angrily. "Slut."

  "Excuse me?" I snap back. "Do you even know me?"  

  "I don't know you, but I know I just saw you making out on that screen with my husband," she snarls. I look down at Jeremy who is sinking further into his seat. I toss my hands in the air and begin walking past her. "Hey!" she grabs my shoulder, yanking me back before I feel the sting of her hand against the side of my face.

  "Way to take it out on the woman who was set up on a blind date with a married man. Classy," I snap back as security comes down grabbing the blonde. 

  My Lyft ride back to my home was spent typing up a long, all caps message to the idiot who didn't realize his friend had gotten married in the last two years. 

  I go to our group chat, sending one to everyone so that they're all kept abreast of my misfortune.

  "Dating Nightmares: 2      Calliope: Still a big FAT 0.


*Yes, this is an Evans fanfic, but he's not making a 'known' appearance just yet. 

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