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Ezra's POV:

The table was filled with many appetizing things. It was almost like a thanksgiving or christmas dinner but bigger. Ever since my time in prison and my not so rich family went on, I never really had a super big meal like this before.

I took a bite of the turkey leg as we sat in complete silence. Well, that was until Mia's boss choked up the nerve to start a conversation. "So, how long have you been together?" We both look at each other wondering what to say. "Uh- I think about 3-4 months?"

Quickly not adding anything on, nod my head. 'Hm' He just lets out.

"And, how did you meet?" He looks up from eating his roll that was placed in his hand, raising an eyebrow. What was he on to- Wait! He's testing us isn't he. I look at him dead in the eyes before answering.

"We met at the local grocery store, east of the middle of town. Once I saw her it was like everything that was once dead inside me came to life. She was the one I've been waiting for all my life." I grab Mia's hand and intertwine my fingers with her before she speaks, "It was like true love boss. Not like you ever felt it before." She snickered.

"Mia." He threatened. "Look, im a Mafia leader, not some stupid crack head that cant figure things out. Do you seriously expect me to believe your little love stories and fairytales." He chuckles. "I'm sorry but that just cracks me up. I know this was just a little trick for you to let, Ezra was it?, in. Why? I don't know. So, why don't you tell me why and maybe we can settle this and the less paperwork you will have to do. Okay?"

Me and Mia stood in shock as his words left his mouth. He...Knew?

"Well boss, Of course i knew all that. But seriously what gave it away? Was it Ezras nervousness? Was it his lack of speaking?" She paused for a moment before starting up again. "Sorry, well all this was for you to maybe...consider him...to the mafia?"

"So you want him to join?"

She nodded. He looked like he was in deep thought. Like it was the hardest decision of his life. Silence remained until a sigh was to be heard.

"Fine...But! On one condition. He has to follow the mafia's roles. I'll be right back."

I looked dumbfounded. "Seriously! I thought you guys were bad guys! What the hell do they need rules for?!" Mia looked up at me rolling her eyes. "Don't worry you big cry baby. They're not bad."

Soon Mia's boss came in with 2 sheets of paper and handed them to me. I carefully glanced over it.



Recall me and sir or boss.

Never rat us out or you will suffer the consequences.

If names are put out, use code names.

You are required to have a partner for safety reasons.

You are free to do whatever you want but you have to only follow these rules.

Signed: Colby Jones, Mafia Leader.

Code name: EJ


'Hm...Not as bad as I thought...' I thought.

"I...I understand the rules sir and just to put it out there, my name is already out there."

He looked over at me. "Then we have some covering up to do, don't we? What's your code name then?"

I thought hard about this one. But then I found one. "How about Austin? It's a simple name so it won't attract much suspicion."

"Good thinking." sir smiled.

We enjoyed dinner with a little conversation about are lives before it was time for me and Mia to head back to my house on the streets.

Once dinner was done me and Mia waved goodbyes before heading back to where I lived. Are fingers intertwined with one another and Mia laughs about how fun that actually turned out to be. It was quite fun honestly. Her boss...Sorry, our Boss didn't seem so bad actually.

Maybe everything will turn out to be fine. Maybe I can cover up my tracks or something. Maybe Mia and the boss set up a fake death or something.

Everything will turn out fine.


The next morning when I woke up it was oddly quiet. I would have thought to hear something cooking down stairs or a hard hit on the shoulder. But no.

I creep out and migrate my way to Mia's room. I creak open the door to find her curled up sleeping. I quietly shut the door after realizing I'd been standing there for a bit to go make some coffee downstairs. I lean back against the chair with a groan as I wait for the coffee pot to fill. Finally when it does i desperately start to drink the coffee so i could wake up more than i have. I opened the fridge where a carton of eggs sat.

You know, Mia did make me breakfast before. Why not pay her pack. I crack the eggs making omelets and cutting up onions and bell peppers for sides. 1 hour later I'm done. I drizzled some cheese on top that melted from the heat on the omlet.

Then I hear a drowsy voice.

"W-What that...That smell?" Mia says, Have a way awake. "Breakfast."

Her eyes admire what I have cooked.

I grabbed the ketchup and began eating while Mia rushed to the table to do the same. She moaned at the taste. "Ezra is so good, Ezra." FLustered from the comet I'm not used to mumbling 'Thanks' and 'Whatever'.

Then out of nowhere she says, "Oh, and don't think I didn't see you staring at me when I was "Sleeping". And before you ask how or something, I'm just that good." She smirked.

Welp. This is gonna be a long life. Maybe short, who knows.







~980 words~

Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed chapter 5! six will be out soon.
Everyone who has shown me support thank you especially my friends.
Thank you guys bye!


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