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Okay, so let me give a reason why I wear tighty whities and why I haven't been given a wedgie until freshman year.

My name is Riley Breif, son of Kane Breif, grandson of Joseph Breif, great grandson of John Breif. My great grandfather, John Breif, created briefs or tighty whities, so that means we, the boys of my family, only wear tighty whities. The reason as to why I only just started getting wedgies is because I was homeschooled up until now. I guess my parents wanted to spare me the bullying so I could have an okay childhood. But now more things are starting to make sense. Why my dad comes home with ripped briefs every day and why my mom comes home in either an atomic or shoulder or bra connection wedgies or the nights we have to go get her down from tree branches, fences or her work's flagpole. My mom doesn't wear briefs. She wears granny panties, and the reason she gets these wedgies is because, well, she is a nerd and the fact that she married my dad. The worst part now, since I get wedgies, my dad has been giving me a new pack of tighty whities ever week because he is trying to get the unripable pair down amd doesn't wanna test it himself so he makes me test it. His reasoning is, "I can't be left hanging for days, I've got work to do. Besides, if you end up hanging for a week long, I'll know I did it! But good luck getting down, me and your mother are too busy to come get you down." Great parents, right? Anyways.... back to my life.

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