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"Dillon! Wake up!" I woke up to the sound of a very distraught Colleen. She was nudging me gently tears streaming down her face. "Oh my god! Finn! She's waking up!"

I saw Finn rushing over to my side, both him and Colleen helping me get up off the ground. I came to a standing position feeling suddenly to dizzy to stand.

"Oh I gotcha!" Finn said as he caught me before I fell.

"What's going on? Where's Jasper?" I said frantically searching for the goggle wearing boy. My eyes locked with Octavia's to see tears streaming down her face. "Octavia what's going on?"

"They took him! They took Jasper?" This time it was Monty who spoke up. He had been crying to with his hands making fists at his sides.

"What the hell was that?" Wells asked. We were all startled by a groaning noise coming from the forest.

"Shh... Listen." Clarke said pointing her pointer finger to her mouth getting us all to stay quiet. We heard the noise again.

"Jasper, it's Jasper! He's still alive!" Octavia said in a muffled voice. "We have to go after him!"

"And we will. But right now we don't have any clue what those things were that took Jasper, or what they're capable of. We need to get back to the drop ship and get help." Clarke said as calmly as she could.

"She's right Octavia." Colleen said gently grabbing her arm. "I promise we will go after him, but right now we need to get Dillon back, she's lost too much blood." I look down at my leg only now realizing how bad my cut really was.

"He saved my life." Octavia said in almost a whisper.

"I promise that we will come back for him." I said trying to give her a comforting smile, although I don't think that it helped any.

Finn offered to carry me but I insisted on not being completely dependent. I put one arm over Finn's shoulders and one over Well's. I will admit no matter how strong they were it was still hard walking through the woods. Let's just say i'm a bit clumsy.

It felt like we had been walking for hours, and I felt like I was going to pass out, again. There was a glimmer of hope when we saw the drop ship just ahead. We walked up to the barrier around the drop ship and heard someone yell from inside.
"Let 'em in!" The voice yelled, and the "gates" swung open.

"Oh my god! Octavia! What happened ?" Bellamy said as he quickly ran up to check on his sister, then turing to scowl at me. He walked towards me filling the gap in between us. "What the hell happened to not letting her do anything stupid?" I couldn't believe that he was snapping at me the way he did. Without saying anything to him I let go of Finn and Wells limping over to the dropship.

"What's your deal man? Dillon saved your sisters life and that's how you thank her? She also got really hurt in the process of saving your sisters life..." Octavia cut Finn off before he could finish.

"It's true Bell. If it wasn't for Dillon, I wouldn't be here right now."'she paused in realization. "You are so ridiculous! You got me a babysitter? I waned my brother back not a body guard!" Octavia stormed off leaving her brother in utter shock.

"This i ridiculous! We are all supposed to be working together. " Clarke said before making her way over to the dropship.

"Where are you going?" Murphy asked as everyone started to make there way over to where I was.

"To help Dillon, Jack ass." Wells shouted over his shoulder. Wells, Finn, Monty, Clarke, and Colleen, came to join me. Clarke immediately went to get some supplies to help my wound. She obviously had vast medical knowledge.

"Hey, how are you feeling." Colleen asked as she came to sit beside me.

"Um, not too hot." I said giving her an appreciative smile. Clarke walked back in the room with several supplies and went straight down to see the cut on my leg.

"It really doesn't look that bad. I just need to bandage it up, and it should heal fine."Clarke said still concentrating on the little medical supplies we had.

"Thanks Clarke." She smiled at me reassuringly, this was a side to her that I haven't seen yet. She took a small bottle of liquid out of the medical box.

"I'm not going to lie, this is going to hurt." she said uncapping the bottle.

"Just get it over with, I really don't need an infection on top of everything." Colleen griped my hand in hers reassuringly. I wasn't all that nervous, I've always as a high tolerance for pain.

I felt my leg start to sting a little at first, and then it started to burn. "Son of a bitch," I bit onto my bottom lip trying not to cry. Once the cut was covered Clarke bandaged it up.

"You're all good." Clarke said as she started to pack up the medical supplies. "I'm going to go bandage up Octavia." Clarke started to walk away. I quickly got to my feet surprised at how little pain I felt making my way over to her leaving everyone else back in the dropship.

"Hey, I just wanted to thank you. I know that this is hard on all of us, but you really need to cut them a break." I said pointing in the directions of the others. "Right now, they're all we've got." She just nodded at me and walked away to go find Octavia, which wasn't very hard.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You self centered, egotistical..." Knowing where this could end up I cut Octavia off before she lunged herself at Murphy.

"Woah, woah. Calm down." I said holding Octavia back. Murphy just smirked letting out a chuckle which made even me want to rip his head off.

"Murphy wants to leave him. He wants to leave Jasper to die." Octavia spatted.

"Whatever took him obviously isn't going to give him back. I say we leave him, what's the life of one little goggle wearing nerd?"This time I was the one who practically attacked Murphy.

"Are you kidding me? No way in hell are we going to leave him out there to die. The grounders aren't just going to take him and then leave us all alone." Murphy just smirked at me as if he was right and I was just some tantrum throwing five year old. "I swear to god if you smirk at me one more time, I will feed you to them myself." Before I could say anymore, (or attack him for that matter), Bellamy grabbed me by the waist and into the woods.

"What the hell are you doing? Let me go Bellamy!" I said as he let me go and I stumbled almost falling flat on my butt. "You're an asshole."

"Just calm down, ok? He's not worth it." He said not sarcastically.

"You can do whatever the hell you want, but I'm sure as hell not leaving Jasper behind."

"We won't, ok? I would like to see what we're up against anyways. Murphy just likes to think that he's in charge, but in the end he listens to me." Bellamy said.

"Why?" I asked with a sassy hand on my hip.

"Why what?" He asked, a confused look on his face.

"Why do you want to be in charge so bad? Why do you want to be the boss, and make my life a living hell?" I asked whilst realizing how close we were standing flailing my arms around for dramatic affect. "Why do you have to make things so difficult? This sucks for everyone, and you only make it worse!" The last part came out in a choked whisper. Suddenly Bellamy's arms were around me, pulling me into a hug. At this I realized that I had been crying during my little rant. I didn't know what to do, but I certainly know what I wanted to do. I wrapped my arms around Bellamy's waist and we just stood there for a while. This was the first time he had shown emotion (well good emotion) towards anyone other than Octavia.

Gently he pulled away wiping the tears from my face. "We'll find him ok? I promise." I must of instinctively nodded at his statement, because as soon as I did he retreated back to the drop ship leaving me standing in the woods completely confused.

Sorry it took so long to update, I've been really busy!
I personally am not a huge fan of this chapter, but it's a nice filler I guess. But I promise I will update a really good long one soon. Cause this one is really short!

I really, really want to know what you guys think so please please please comment. (Constructive criticism is definitely welcome!).

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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