On the Ground

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All of a sudden I couldn't breathe. I stopped running unable to move, I didn't even realize that there were tears streaming down my face. Flashbacks of just the day before we're spinning through my head, and all of a sudden I dropped to the ground. Luckily I was far enough away not to draw any attention. Through everything that happened I had forgotten, and the thought of what I'd done killed me, and would soon kill him.

"Dillon? Are you ok hun?" Suddenly there was a hand resting on my shoulder. Colleen sat down next to me with a genuinely worried look on her face. This snapped me out of my trance and back to reality.

"Yeah. Of course I'm ok!" I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes with the palms of my hands. Before Colleen could say another word my attention was caught by an angry Clarke.

I got up and walked towards all of the commotion, first out of curiosity, and second because I didn't feel like talking.

"Dillon you're shaking!" Colleen gasped as she grabbed onto my arm. I shrugged her off and ignored her completely leaving her dead in her place, with her jaw practically lying on the ground.

"Wells! Let go of me Bellamy!" Clarke screamed as she struggled to break free of Bellamy's grip on her.

"Hey what's going on?" I yelled as I pushed through the crowd to get a better look.

"Not gonna happen. Let them duke it out." Bellamy said not loosening his grip on Clarke. I followed her worried gaze to see Wells and Murphy about to "duke it out."

"You can't take those wristbands off!" Clarke screamed still struggling in his firm grasp. I almost forgot about the wristbands firmly attached to everyone's right arm. The only thing that still linked us to the ark.

Murphy being a complete jack ass, who thought that he could get away with whatever he pleased, kicked wells in the leg causing him to wince in pain. Wells quickly got back to his feet and stood his ground ready to fight as all the other juveniles stood there chanting, "Fight, Fight, Fight!"

Before I knew it I had jumped in between the two before they had a chance to break each other's necks.

"Stop it." I said pushing Murphy back. "Let him go! This isn't what we want." I yelled at him trying to hold him back but failing to.

"Oh really now? Cause it looks like everyone wants this to happen but you!" Murphy said before throwing me harshly to the ground. I winced in pain as I fell on my arm. "His father is the reason we are all down here in the first place! They made us all prisoners. We suffered because of you." He said pointing a stern figure at Wells.

Then all of a sudden Finn jumped from, only God knows where, inbetween Wells and Murphy. "The guys wounded. Don't you want a fair fight?"

Murphy looked as though he was about to pounce at Finn. I pushed him back once more. "Is this really what you want?" I asked looking him dead in the eyes. "Please just let it go." I pleaded for Murphy to stand down. He did, although obviously not to happy about it.

The crowd dispersed as I turned around gripping the arm I fell on. I quickly knelt down to where Wells had come to sit on the ground. Bellamy let go of Clarke who quickly came down to his side as well.

"You idiot! Are you trying to make this harder for all of us?" And with that she stormed off.

"What's up with her?" I asked still clutching my bruised arm.

Wells lifted himself up off the ground trying not to add too much pressure to his leg and angrily stormed off.

"Are you ok?" This startled me. I didn't think anyone else was there, seeing as once the fight was over so was the "fun." I looked up to see Finn holding out his hand to help me up. I gladly took it.

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