prologue 2

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(Hey guys!
I actually changed the storyline of accustomed a bit, But overall it is the same.
Here's the new prologue..)

I seen everything, i heard everything it's nothing new to me I'm actually a little accustmmed to it.
Do i feel bad for it, i actually don't,
Maybe i do, but not too much for sure.
It's been like that for years,

I know what you are thinking, no I'm not a psychopath, i get no happiness in hurting people, it never did,

But still i lack simple human emotions.
It's because of him, i know, but still gotta respect him the man is dead afterall.
And no i didn't kill him, if that's what you're wondering.

He died from heartattack,
I should feel sad no i need to feel sad he was my father afterall, but i don't.
I think he deserves the death he got, offcourse he does, he was a monster.
But now what?


(I have also edited the first prologue according to the new storyline, So no one get confused with the story,
You can check it out if you want.)

It's not much but i like it..
I was middle of writting then,
I saw how my character from both mute and accustmmed are giving off the same vibe,
So i changed it, I'm not gonna write same personality twice.


So empathy less Namjoon..
Hmm.. intresting
What are you guys think...

Hope you like it...

Hope you like it

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