16: Chin Drinks Compensación

Start from the beginning

The man sighed, but there was a smile hiding at the corner of his lips. With only a moment's hesitation, he returned to the table and scooped Isabela out of Beth's arms. He sank into his seat, placing the girl on the edge of the table. She swayed, but stayed sitting with his hands supporting her hips. She was clearly happy with her new view of the world, her gaze drifting around the room and finding Vincent. Then she gurgled happily.

Vincent returned to his own seat, offering his finger for her to grip when she waved a sticky fist in his direction, and then turned an even look to the rest of the room. The only family member who betrayed their curiosity was Phil, who glanced between the three of them with a tilted head.

"So we return to London?"

Simon smiled at him and replied easily. "You and Thomas tomorrow, and then the rest of us will follow. If you're agreeable?"

Vincent glanced around the table. Simon's smile was as encouraging as Bart's stoicism. Matt was grinning, Phil was studying the room, and their eldest sister was squeezing her husband's hand. David was tense – understandably, the involvement of the Thorne's and that mysterious flower was personal for him – but he offered Vincent a tense smile. Lastly, his gaze returned to Thomas whose face had softened, breaking into a full grin as Isabela's spare hand reached out to bop him inelegantly on the nose.

Yes, he was agreeable.


The next morning, Lupe and Isabela clambered into one of the Humphrey carriages shortly after dawn, settling on the plush seats amongst several blankets and a hamper of food the cook had dotingly prepared. The question of the girls accompanying them had never really been voiced, just assumed. Lupe was, of course eager to join them and find her friends, letting out a relieved sigh as Vincent struggled to explain the journey to her. And Isabela... Well, joining them was clearly her preference as she put up a fuss when either man tried to leave her overnight. Vincent and Thomas had exchanged a look and a shrug, respectively, and then settled in for what proved to be quite a good evening in the nursery. By the morning, neither even thought to suggest that she stay behind.

And then there was Matt, who, rather than declare his intention to accompany them, simply arrived at the stables before the pair. He was saddling his horse, poking the cheeky animal in the stomach as it tried to prevent its girth from being tightened, when their approach caught his eye. He turned towards them, offering his cheeky mount a sugar cube as he grinned at them.

"Good morning!"

Vincent rolled his eyes, allowing himself to be clapped on the shoulder as he walked past and accepted his own horse from the stable-hand.

Thomas seemed more surprised.

"Are you accompanying us to London?"

Matt grinned. "Someone has to keep you pair out of trouble!"

As almost all of the Humphrey family was expected in London over the coming days, Simon had sent word ahead to have their London home opened up in preparation. It was still a few weeks before the season would begin, but as they arrived in the evening the housekeeper had done a remarkable job of airing and preparing the house.

Almost immediately, Matt disappeared, wishing them luck on their task for the evening and heading in search of merriment. Vincent was not particularly surprised, but Thomas let out a loud laugh as the younger man strode off down the street.

"Some help he'll be!"

With yet more help from the housekeeper, Lupe and Isabela were set up comfortably in a makeshift nursery, with dinner promised to them as soon as it was ready. The same invitation was offered to Vincent and Thomas, but they declined. Neither man was inclined to sit around when there was the possibility of answers.

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