𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧.

Beginne am Anfang

"Emilio Quentin. Works for a guy named Damian Mendoza" Dawson says as he and Max look at the view of the city.

"I haven't seen Emilio in years" Cassie states.

"That right?" Dawson says, not believing her story at all.

"So, Cassie, how's the nail salon doing?" Maxine asks, "You work part time right?"

"I do nail art" Cassie says, holding up her left hand showing off her work.

"You must have really scrimped and saved to afford this place" Dawson says.

"Excuse you? You can't come up in here and judge me. Having nice things isn't a crime, last I checked"

"No, but buying things with drug money is" Max says and Cassie looks away.

"Second time now. Where's Emilio?" Dawson asks.

"No clue"

"One of the cars Mendoza used in his operation is registered in your name" Maxine tells the brunette.

"Emillio bought me a car after our first date. It was that good"

"Hmm. Too bad that same car matches a partial plate rip from a homicide last month. Which makes you an accessory to murder" Dawson says, getting his cuffs out and starts to cuff Cassie, "Turn around. Let's go"

"Wait, wait, wait. Okay. Okay. I swear on my life I don't know where Emilio is" Cassie says and Antonio and Maxine give the girl a look, "But I did, I...I did let him buy some cars in my name and some of my co workers, too"

"How many cars?" Max questions.

"Like, thirty-four?" Max and Antonio's eyes widen for a second, "I don't know what he uses them for, and I don't ask"

"Look, Cassie" Dawson says, "What car is Emilio driving now?"

Maxine and Antonio leave the apartment and head to their car, while Dawson calls Kevin. "Atwater, grab a pen. We're looking for a dark green SUV, belonging to Emilio Quentin"


"Calculated criminal drug conspiracy, aggravated assault" Maxine says, reading from a file, "Just the tip of the iceberg"

"We can go round and round like this all you want. I don't talk till I get my deal" Emilio says and Voight back hands him, then Max looks behind her into the two way mirror, knowing Erin and Lang are watching.

"You didn't see that" Erin tells Lang in the viewing room.

"Where's Mendoza?" Voight questions.

"I ain't giving up my boys until I know I got an agreement" Emilio says and Voight gives Maxine a look of disbelief, "Seven years max, in protective custody"

"You pull a gun on cops, there is no agreement" Voight says.

"I know how you guys work"

"I don't think you do" Voight says, when Lang walks in. "You two"

Hank and Maxine follow Agent Lang into the hall, meeting with him and Erin.

𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐊𝐘 𝐁𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, chicago pd ¹Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt