Ruby/Yang x Male reader

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Blake: Don't mind me. I won't interrupt anything.

She went back to reading her book. Ruby walked up to me and started to pull on my arm.

Ruby: I want to get snacks. Get up.

(Y/N): You're going to have to talk to Yang about that.

Yang: He'll only leave if I come too.

(Y/N): Well you two will have to get out of your pajamas if you want to go out to get food.

Ruby and Yang groaned. I guess that means they just want to stay here.

(Y/N): I guess we are staying here then.

I smiled to myself and wrapped one of my arms around Yang and the other around Ruby, holding them close to me.

(Time Skip) (Yang's POV)

I was outside of Beacon. A bunch of Grimm and White Fang members are attacking. I punched away some Grimm, killing them.

Yang: This is crazy. Wait... Where's Blake?

I looked around and saw Blake flying through the air. She crashed into the ground near me.

Yang: Blake!

Her aura shattered. I looked over and saw a man with red hair and wearing a Grimm mask walking towards me.

Yang: Did you do this to Blake?!

Adam: If you plan to interfere with me and Blake, then I'll have to kill you.

I started to get really mad. I was about to dash right at the man, but I saw a white blur fly past me. I looked over and saw it was Weiss. Her aura shattered too.

Yang: Weiss!

I looked over where she came from and saw Ruby fighting with Roman, but the pink and brown haired girl is with him. The girl kicked Ruby back, but I caught her.

Yang: Ruby! Are you alright?!

Ruby: Yeah sis, I'm alright.

I put Ruby down on her feet. I saw Roman, the red haired guy, and the pink haired girl all walking towards us.

Yang: We are in serious trouble.

Suddenly, a boy with black hair appeared in front of me and Ruby.

Divine: It looks like this is quite the sticky situation.

Ruby: Who are you?

Divine: That doesn't matter at the moment. Listen, you two will die here.

Ruby: Die?!

Yang: Why would we believe you?

Divine: Blake and Weiss are about to die and you two aren't in the best situation.

Ruby started to get tears in her eyes.

Ruby: I don't want them to die.

Divine: That's not all. Pyrrha will die and so will (Y/N). They will all end up just like Penny.

Ruby started to shake. I got mad and was about to punch him.

Yang: Are you going to help us or just tell us what is going to happen?!

Divine: I know just the thing to prevent that fate.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out two earrings. They are mostly silver with an orange orb on the end of them.

Divine: These earrings can combine any two people to make them stronger. Use these and you can save everyone.

Ruby: Let's do it!

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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Yandere RWBY oneshots (Male reader x RWBY)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat