it was my intention (kai Anderson)

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You sat in the bathroom of kai's home you were panicking waiting on the test results 'kai is going to kill me' you thought

You picked the test up it's positive "shit" you whispered how are you going to tell him you can't keep it a secret he's only going to find out anyway

You went down to the basement where kai was doing some council stuff you were fidgeting with the test behind you back kai could tell

"Your nervous" he said still on his laptop "no I'm not" you mumbled walking closer to him "what's wrong" he asked setting the laptop aside he knew you since college he can tell when something is wrong

With a deep sigh you slowly pull the test out "I'm pregnant kai I'm sorry it's my fault i-i" you Began to ramble before kai stopped you "it was my intention to get you pregnant" he plainly said

"What the fuck is wrong with you kai" you screamed listening to the words that came out the blue haired manic infront of you

"It was my intention" he simply shrugged you ran your hand through your hair in frustration "so it was your intention for this to happen" you laughed bitterly "yes" you can feel the anger bubbling within you he was your best friend you weren't even together and he did this

"You fucking impregnated me your best friend since college the first time I slept with you and now I'm pregnant" you started to cry hitting his chest he just wrapped his arms around your body till you calmed down

How could you calm down you already had a boyfriend and you fucked your best friend after an argument with your boyfriend and how your pregnant

"Y/n listen I need someone to carry on my legacy the cult in the future a baby my child" he said you shook your head in his chest 'unbelievable' you thought

"How could you not get someone else pregnant like meadow or something" you said kai chuckled
"Fuck having a child with meadow I chosed you because we've known each other for years and I know you want to be a mother" he looked into your eyes your face softened looking into his chocolate ones

"Your beautiful, funny, smart you don't take any of my shit christ y/n I love you" he said you were taken aback by his confession "you love me?" You asked kai nodded "ever since college"
He then kissed you his hand on your waist pulling you closer "kai I can't what about my boyfriend" you finally said

"You didn't care about him 2 weeks ago" he smirked you frowned feeling guilty
"Come on y/n he's a piece of shit you know you really love me you just tell yourself you don't cause you thought I didn't feel the same" he stated and he was right

"Just me and you and our baby" he said his hand that was on your waist now on your cheek "okay just us but I swear kai if you let our child go to your little sessions in here with the rest taking about Jim Jones and the kool aid I'll kill you" you laughed so did he it felt nice it was like he's the kai you used to know back in college the kai you loved

"Well how else will they learn to be a great leader like their father" he raised his eyebrow you playfully hit his chest "Alright you" you chucked
Kai kissed you again as the others came down to the basement for a meeting

"My beautiful girlfriend is having my messiah baby!!"

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