Birthday disater

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It was princess 7th birthday, the bad guys had snake and princess birthday at the mansion where their parents will come.

At the mansion, they threw a party, princess was wearing a flower dress.

She was running around then through the door was wolf's dad: John wolf who was holding a present

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She was running around then through the door was wolf's dad: John wolf who was holding a present.

"Dad, hey" wolf ran to his dad as he was happy to see him.

"Good to see you too wolf, now where is my granddaughter"

Princess ran when she saw John, "grandpa" she called him as she ran to him, John picked her up and hugs her.

"Hello princess, how's my granddaughter doing"

Then shark's parents came in, both holding a present each, shark smiled when he saw them, his parents walked up to him.

"Hey son" Louie who was shark's dad name was.

"Hey baby" his mom name was Clara.

The three sharks hugged, then snake saw his dad Eric arrived, the two approached.

"Dad you came"

"Well of course I came, I wouldn't miss my granddaughter's birthday"

Then webs hugged her mom, "hey mom"

"Hey webs" her mom hugs back.

"So how old is the birthday girl" John asked.

"She's seven"

"Well It's Not surprised that her birthday is on the same day as snake's"

"Yeah it's a double birthday"

"Yeah but i wouldn't mind just celebrating princess birthday only" snake said.

"Come on snake you know she wants to celebrate your birthday too"

"Her heart is filled with so much love" shark said.

"And that's the best thing about her" webs says.

"She puts others first, she has a heart of gold" piranha added.

"Well one thing we can agree on is that we'll celebrating her birthday"

Just then there Diane came in with her parents, they looked around and put the present they had for princess next to the others.

Then as the grandparents were playing with princess, shark's dad was hopping her on his leg, the door opened revealing a surprise guest.

It was a chief, he had a present for princess but when she and wolf's dad saw each other.

Their faces were shocked, "YOU!" The chief glared and grunts her teeth at him.

While wolf's dad smiled nervously and get up, "hello chief long time no seen"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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