Snake's easter disaster

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It was Easter, they had food out,

It was quiet a spread, princess was excited about easter, she was dressed as the Easter bunny

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It was quiet a spread, princess was excited about easter, she was dressed as the Easter bunny.

She had Easter bunny headbands, they covered her ears, she looked exactly like a Easter bunny, covering her ears

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She had Easter bunny headbands, they covered her ears, she looked exactly like a Easter bunny, covering her ears.

Everyone was excited especially princess but there us one person who wasn't excited about Easter.

It was snake, he was pacing back and forth, he looked nervous about something, wolf noticed snake was upset about something.

"Hey snake, what's up, you ok" wolf asked.

"No not really"

"What's wrong"

"My-my dad is coming"

"What's wrong with that"

"No you don't understand"

"Oh we're going to see snake's dad" piranha asked.

"I didn't even know your dad is still alive" webs says.

"Well the thing is, I haven't seen my dad in see many years ago when I was a teen we got into a fight and growing up as a snake, I had no friends but dad was there for me on birthday, I had a mom too but she died when I was 13, it was hard for me and my dad..but it was mostly hard on my dad...he became so hard on one day I left...we haven't spoken since then...he called me, telling me he's coming over to see me"

"Ok what's wrong with that, I know you haven't see your dad in awhile but you have nothing to worry about, he's your dad I'm sure you guys can talk things through"

"It's not that wolf, he doesn't know about princess or us"

" didn't tell him about us or princess" wolf asked.

"We haven't seen each other in years, I doubt he even knows i was a criminal...I'm just a bit worried he wouldn't approve the lifestyle I choose"

Wolf pulls snake into the kitchen, "come on snake he's your dad, yes I was worried too when I found out my dad was coming to see me but we worked things out, I'm sure whatever got between you and your can be fixed, parents and kids fight but they also make up, there comes a point in time when we make up for the fights we caused, I'm sure you will too"

But as they were talking princess was near the door.

"Ok yeah, I guess your right, but when he gets here I don't want him to meet princess yet, not until I talked to him first"

Just then the doorbell rang, "looks like he's here" snake said, then he realized something.

"Hey where's princess" he asked then that's when they knew, they looked terrified in a panicked.

"Uh no"

Princess then opened the door to see a red skin cobra.

She looks at the older cobra and smiles, "grandpa" she giggled.

"Huh" the cobra was looking around the house then he looks up to see where that sound was coming from then he looks down to see princess looking up at him, he smiles.

"Oh yummy" he smiles as he wrapped his tail around princess picking her up, he holds up to his mouth as he was about to eat her.

Snake slithered as fast as he can, he saw his ear was about to eat her but princess didn't even know she was about to get eaten, she just laughed.

"Dad! No stop!" Snake yelled stopping him, "don't eat her"

His dad lowered princess down from his mouth, "why! You know bunnies are for my favorite food" he attempts to eat princess again.

Snake started to panic, promoting him to tell the truth.

"Because...that's not just any bunny...that's my daughter princess"

His dad finally stopped, his eyes open wide, he was shocked, he pulls princess to his face, taking off her headband to see she was a kitten, he had a granddaughter, he was upset at snake.

He hits Snake at the back of his head, his hat fell off.

"Why didn't you tell me I was about to eat my granddaughter...I have a granddaughter" he cradles her in his tail.

"She's my adopted daughter...well she's me and my friends adopted daughter" snake said as wolf and the others came in, a bit nervous to meet his dad, if snake was a grump, would his dad be the same.

"Hi" wolf waved, "you have a great son"

"Thanks I'm surprised he never told you about his dad, why didn't you tell me I have a granddaughter?" His dad asked again.

But Snake was too angry with him, he grabbed princess from him and sat her on the couch away from his dad.

"Like you care, you never cared about me"

"Yes I would've cared Marc"

Everyone was shocked that his dad revealed his name.

"Marc?" Wolf says.

"Wait so that is your name" shark asked.

"You're real name is Marc" piranha added.

Soon he shark and webs laughed hysterically, it caused princess to giggle.

Snake was annoyed as he blushed as a tomato, he grumbled.

"Yes that's my name" snake said as he glared at his dad irritated.

"Well now we know" webs says.

"So...when where you going to tell me I had a granddaughter"

"Why do you care" snake snapped at his dad, his dad flinched back, you never cared about me even when I ran away, you never thought about finding me"

"Is that what you think" his dad asked as he was stunned but sorrowful.

"Wasn't it quiet obvious"

"I'm glad to see you becoming a father, I'm real proud of you"

But Snake just pushes him away figuratively, "ugh"

"Ok look I know I haven't been the best dad, I been hard on you but I guess it's be so hard for me since your mother died, I was so afraid that I might lose you too, I was just trying to prepare you for the world, the world can be a bad place where people will treat you differently then when you left it hurt me, I basically send half if my life looking for you I thought you were gone like gone for good, I know I wasn't the best parent but I promise I'll be a better grandfather to princess...if you have me again"

Snake was shocked by his dad, "oh dad, I'm sorry"

"No! If anyone should should be me...snake I'm sorry I been a terrible father in the past, I just hope you can forgive me"

Snake smiled, "I already have dad"

The two snakes hugged, then when they looked at each other princess got between them, she looked at them, then his dad grabbed princess.

"So tell me more about my granddaughter"

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