Shark summer reunion

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It was summer at the bad guys home, princess was wearing a red dress, she was rubbing around.

Unfortunately Diane was there, "so what are you guys doing" she asked.

"Well we're planning what we're going to do on princess and snake's birthday" wolf said, "we were thinking about inviting our parents, since it's princess first birthday with them"

"At least she has grandparents, I didn't even know who my grandparents were" snake said.

"Same here" wolf said.

"My grandmother ate grandpa"

Just then there was a knock on the door, shark gets up to open it.

But his face was shocked when he saw bursting through the doors were two sharks one male with a gray mustache in a brown suit and a female with blonde hair, red glasses and a red dress.

They were both looking excited, "well where is she, where is our great grand baby" the male shark asked.

But it was revealed that these two sharks were shark's parents.

"Mom dad, what are you doing here" shark asked but he was terrified to see his parents...why?

"Well when we heard you became good, We just got to come to see you baby" his mom said as she cupped his cheeks, squishing his face.

" and we heard you got a daughter, so we came to see our granddaughter, so where is she, where is our granddaughter" his dad said as he looks for her.

They notice her picking from behind wolf's leg as she was hiding from them.

"Aw there she is, is she so cute" his mom said.

"So adorable" her dad added.

They both picked her up, cooing her then she started to get scared, she whimpered and started to cry when she saw their big white shark teeth smiling at her.

"Ah don't cry baby" shark's mom said, then she grabs her purse and pulls out a old stuffed blue crocodile.

She shows the toy to princess, princess looks at the stuffed crocodile, she smiles and hugs the crocodile, this makes shark's parents happy.

But shark recognize the old crocodile it used to belong to him but that's not what mattered to him, he was most concerned about his parents.

He didn't wanted to deal with his parents, there was a lot of history there, so he tried to stay away from them but his mom saw as she and his dad were busy cooing princess.

"Shark, what's wrong baby" she asked, a mother can sense what's wrong with her son.

"I failed you guys, do you remember that day when I had my first robbery on my own"

"Yeah?" She asked and his dad stepped in and his friends were listening.

"First heist, shark what are they talking about" wolf asked.

But they could see on his face, was shamed and guilt, he had a lot to tell.

"Shark why were you gone for so long" his mom asked as she lifts his chin up, "what happened to you, why did you leave and why didn't you tell us you were going on"

"And when we're you going to tell us we had a granddaughter"

"Many years ago when i was a pup growing up my parents were criminals and when they got my and my siblings, they taught me everything I need to know about being a crook, they even taught me how to be a master of disguise then when it became my 13th birthday, it was time for me to move on and become my own shark I get to do my own heist, I was planning to rob the banks safe gold, I had it all the truck loaded up with the gold the perfect getaway but then the cops got on my tail I tried to drive them off but i accidentally hit the truck when I drove on the bridge and all the gold fell into the sea, I was scared and upset, I didn't want to come to you guys knowing I failed, so I ran away, I thought-I thought you would've been disappointed of me if I told, I figured you were better off without me"

Shark hangs his head low in shame, his parents were horrified by his tragic failure.

Then his mom lift his face up, "honey we didn't care if you failed or not we love you no matter what"

"Why didn't you tell us what happened" his dad asked.

"I was afraid you wouldn't want to have a disappointment for a son"

"Son you know we would be proud of you no matter what"

"Yeah when we found out you started in your own gang and became legendary we were so proud" his mom added.

"Yeah but listen i decided to become good now, I had to give up being a criminal for princess, I hope you're not too disappointed"

"Of course not, we very proud you given up being a criminal"

"Really? But what about our family's legacy"

"We think it's time we started living a normal life and become more then villains" his mom said.

"Yeah some of your siblings gave up being criminals for jobs, some became a doctor, firemen, teacher, scientist, dentist and a lawyer, we're just glad we can finally see you again...and when we found you finally gave us a granddaughter, why...WE COULDN'T BE MORE THAT HAPPIER" his dad shout in joy.

"I'm just glad you finally gave us a grand baby to call out own, finally I can be a grandmother and we have a grandchild we can spoil, non of your siblings would give us any grandkids" his mom added.

"Ok that's good mom...but she's not really my daughter, she just my adopted daughter"

"Shark have we not taught you anything" his mom examined, "family is family weather your blood or not, I thought you know better then that"

"It doesn't matter if she's your real daughter or adopted, as long as we got a grand baby to play with that's alright with us" his dad hugged princess.

Shark smiles, he was glad his parents accepted him for who he was and that they accepted princess as their granddaughter.


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