my sisters friend, Madonna

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This is dedicated to lemonshort-cake
Warnings: Fluff
Madonna x Reader

Y/n's pov:

Madonna was my sister's best friend, an odd duo in my opinion but they worked great together, somewhere over time I had developed feelings for the older blonde. Something my sister and I have in common, older blonde women.

I sighed leaning back into my seat as Ashley came out with Gwendoline wrapped simply in their robes "what's got you so blue?" Ash asked coming to sit beside me. Madonna was also staying with my sister to help work on her upcoming album "I-I just" I looked down at my hands in defeat "it's okay bug" Gwen smiled from the open plan kitchen tilting her mug before joining us.

"Souris should be up any moment now" Gwendoline giggled at my sister's comment unintentionally I perked up "Really?" my sister laughed running her hand over my hair "yes, my little love" she pressed a kiss to my temple. A few minutes of watching the two women eating each other's faces passed when a velvet voice travelled the kitchen "morning bitches!" Madonna announced laughing as she came to kiss mine and my sister's cheeks, Gwendolines being too high to reach until the woman leaned down.

"Ashley?" I asked "yes babes?" she sipped from Gwen's mug as she snapped her head in my direction "you suck" I giggled "Y/n.I'm a lesbian" she laughed holding onto Madonna who looked up at her "is that a hickey?" she seemed shocked "yes. Souris, that's what happens when two people love another, kinda like making a baby" Gwen fell to the floor in fits of laughter.

"Madonna they've been together since Ashley hit puberty" I deadpanned "great way to call Gwen a paedophile" both blondes looked at me confused "babe how old are you?".

"We've been married ten years now" Ashley sighed pinching the bridge of her nose "I'm thirty-four  and if you're confused we've been together since I was twenty and Y/n was only fourteen, holy shit I'm old" "oh thank god" "get off the floor Gwen"

"I'm gonna go" I excused myself watching my sister "me too" Madonna agreed, grabbing my hand and dragging me behind her as the heat rushed to my face.

"They truly are perfect" I commented as we sat on the stairs "I want a love like theirs" I added "she did good by you, it's a shame that she can't have children of her own" Madonna mumbled looking into my eyes with a gentle smile. "Gwen could always carry their children" I merely suggested "she wants to experience it" the blonde explained "but their lives are quite busy at the moment" she added.

"Now back to love" she sang poking my sides "what's stopping you from a love like your sisters?" she questioned as I leaned my head on her shoulder "because the woman I love is older and blonde and-" Madonna cut me off "oh god Y/n!" she cried "your sister's wife?" she looked at me "Gwen? an older blonde woman and Ashley is stopping the love?!" "What? no. Madonna I don't have romantic feelings for Gwendoline, ew no that's just gross, she's like my mum away from Ashley".

"I like an older blonde woman-" this time the cutoff comes from the kitchen "just kiss already" Gwen shouted in her English accent "babe shut the fuck up. They're having a moment" Ashley cut in "now where were we?" I asked "an older blonde woman?" Madonna smiled teasingly "ah yes!" I giggled "she likes you!" "Gwendoline Christie. Shut up!" they bickered in the kitchen.

"Gwen ruined it. I- yes you're the older blonde woman" I cleared my throat "Gwen sit your ass back down!" Madonna laughed listening to my sister yell "my love how old are you?" "however old you want me to be" I smirked "very funny hon" she rolled her eyes "twenty-eight" "twenty-eight? not too bad" she leaned in only to swerve and kiss my cheek.

"my room nine o'clock"

She stood walking away with a smirk leaving me dumbfounded "Woah! go, Madonna!"


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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