Chapter 3

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Two days an there wasn't no strange noises around the house. Blake and Henry try to keep distance between each other but it's hard to do that when they live in the same house. It was Thursday morning, in fact 12 o'clock. Blake gets up and walks downstairs. She sees Henry and his new girlfriend lying on the couch and kissing. That burned her hearts again.
"I'm sorry." She says after they turn back an look at her. "I have to get things in the bathroom."
She's dying from embarrasment. It's and horrible situation. She, her ex and his new girlfriend in the same room.
"No it's okay." Says Hannah and go to meet her. "Hey I'm Hannah, Henry's girlfriend. You must be Blake?"
Blake gets shocked. Henry told her about her and he still smiles at her.
"Yeah hello." She says with a frozen smile. Henry goes near them and Hannah hugs him.
"Henry has told me that you're good friends and now you have to do this project. I'm sorry for comin here but I really missed my babe."
Henry's face gets pale after her words. He knew he lied her about Blake and he's afraid to look at Blake's eyes after that.
"Yeah." Smiles Blake. It was a fake smile. Henry knew that smile. "Well it was nice to meet you." She says and takes the small suitcase and gets at her room. She closes te door. She couldn't held the tears anymore.
" His friend? No." Tears falls from her eyes. "Oh God save me from these feelings. He don't deserve my true love." At the time she says 'true love' the mirror at her room breaks down. She gets scared. Henry and Hannah hears the room and run upstairs.
"Whats wrong?" Says Hannah. Blake wipe her tears and look at Henry with terrified eyes.
"Nothing." She says. "I broke it. It was a mistake."
"Oh." Says Hannah. "I have to leave now. Goodbye. It was nice to meet you."
"Same." Says Blake.
"Let's go." Says Henry and they both goes downstairs. After a few minutes Henry gets at Blakes room.
"What happend?" He asks.
"The mirror..broke by itself." Says Blake shocked and sits on her bed.
"Somethings wrong with this house. Did you do or say something?" He asks.
Blake thinks about it. 'True love'. Maybe those words cause it, but she can't tell Henry about that. Or maybe she can? What will be her explanation about that?
"I said true love." She finally says.
"Why ?" Asks Henry. That was the question tBlake never wanted to hear.
"Randomly, but it doesn't matter." When suddenly a dark shade appers after Henry. Some glow bloody eyes appers them.
"H-H-Henry b-behind you." She says and screams. Henry turns back but nothing was there.
"Henryyy." She screams and closes her ears. She was dying from scary.
"What do you see?" He says and sits next to her and hugs her trying to calm her down. Even he was afraid. The shade leaves. Blakes starts crying and shaking.
"Blake, Blake." Henry tries to bring her back at convinsent. When Blake turns, their eyes meets each other. Blakes eyes were red, all the field. Henry stands up.
"Blake?!" He asks. Suddenly she closes her eyes and they go back to normally.
"Are you okay?" She looks confused.
"Henry they're killing us." She says.
"We have to leave now." Says Henry, grabs her hand and go downstairs to call the principal. Blake was still shoced from that. Henry called orincipal and told everything but he said that it was all his imagination to escape the project.
"He didn't believe me." Says Henry after closing the phone.
"Nobody will." Says Blake. "We have to go Henry. It's dangerous." She puts her head inside her palms and starts crying. Henry sits next to her.
"Everything will be okay." He says but doesn't touch her.
"No Henry. You're lying, I can understand that." She says. He doesn't reply. She knows him better than he knows hisself.
"Please stop crying. I know was shocking."
"Henry there's something very bad in this house. I'm afraid."
"No we'll pass it."
"Me and you." He corrects. There's no more 'we'.

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