Chapter 2- Bored Maisie

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Maisie was heading to the entrance of the school, where there were a few chairs, that students could sit on. The place would better be referred to as a waiting area.

Maisie started fiddling with her fingers, and started thinking about what she had wrote down during lunch, saying to herself "Happy thoughts...happy thoughts".

She had suddenly forgotten how to walk, and tried to remember all the times she'd practice walking in front of the mirror. But sadly, it was as though her brain had forgotten everything related to walking, hence resulting in her walking like a hybrid between a rat and a donkey.

Maisie was having a mild anxiety attack. She believed she had social anxiety, well atleast that's what all the psych2go videos and self-help books and channels said. She was glad she had reached the waiting area before anything else happened due to her mild anxiety attack, if it was even one.

She took a seat, and then looked around the space. As usual, she had come out earlier than most people she regarded as her friends, and feeling bored, and not wanting to engage in any form of social interaction or another round of stare at me I stare at you with a stranger. She got her Journal out of her bag, and started writing again.

What she wrote went as so:
Bored Woman Things
So, I'm just bored, and yes of course I did just refer to myself as a woman, well, bored woman to be specific. But that's besides the point.

I wanted to narrate how I just had a total staring competition with a crazy lunatic, whom may also be regarded as a stranger.

I sat down alright, and I was looking for anyone I knew, not that I'd talk to them, but you know just for the knowledge of it. And that's when some stranger, which I hope identifies as a male looked at me. The creature's eyes were purple. Yes. I did just say purple, and he wouldn't stop looking at me, and obviously I stared at him back, the stranger's eyes eventually got watery and water started coming out of his eyes, he finally blinked, and I smiled to myself in mild glee. I mean didn't he know, I was probably some alien from Neptune, who didn't blink? When I had won, I sized up the stranger, whom I hoped was a boy,  and to my relief he was, of well probably. What?! It's hard to tell with the purple eye contacts and girlish face, and did I mention long blonde hair, but wearing pants and the school sweater?, you know what don't answer that.

Anyways, I won.

Maisie wanted to scribble something more, but her breath suddenly hitched when she saw a large figure towering over her.

author's note <3
Hi everyone, I apologize for making this chapter very short and boring, but I had to make it short for the sake of drama and suspense, please bear with me!!!

Oyin out.

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