Hit them. They deserve it.

I didn't know what happened but I was suddenly on top of the girl. My fist came down and hit her in the nose and I saw blood pour out. I was pulled back but I just elbowed the person who then was laid next to my standing form.

"She's crazy!" A boy yelled and tried pulling their friends away. I ran after them and effectively caught one. We rolled a bit and I bit into her arm. She screamed and a boy then pushed me away. I felt the adrenaline exit my system and I could taste iron in my mouth. I smiled as they ran away and knew they wouldn't bother me anymore.

"Leonora!" I looked behind me and saw my mother watching me. I lost my smile and looked unbothered. She almost ran up to me and gripped my hair.

"Ahh!" I tried ripping her hand away but she kept her grip.

"You can explain to your father about this!" She let me go when we got into the woods and I just ran. I stayed in my room all day and night even when father and mother were pounding on it. I was lying in bed, looking out the window when I saw the sky turn red. I also saw those red eyes again. I smiled and hurried out the window following the mist with those eyes.

Come little witch

I gasped when I found myself in front of the mist with red eyes. I screamed when it rushed at me and ran with me at an unnatural speed. It let me go and I rolled out in the woods center. The blood red sky brought down a giant birds skeleton. I screamed as it grabbed my shoulders and took me away into the sky.

~Clarissa's POV~

   I sighed as I looked back around my bedroom before I closed the door on my youth. I was already halfway through my school years and my mother wanted me to find a prince. They didn't know that I didn't want a prince. I passed by my brothers room but he wasn't there. I kept walking towards the dining room and saw the whole family there.

"Mother, Father, I'm all ready to leave." I smiled towards my brother and he gave one back. Mother and father were conversing towards a corner of the room. It seemed serious and I feared the worst. My mother came over to hug me and father just stood there. He didn't look the greatest recently but he was trying.

"Clarissa, we have rather unsettling news. Your father and I are stepping down and your brother is taking over the kingdom. I know you want to be a fairy godmother so we didn't think you'd want the throne." I knew this was coming and I sighed but put a smile on.

"While it is unsettling it is good news. The kingdom will always be in great hands. Thank you mother." I gave her a hug and I could feel her sag against me.

"Thank you Clarissa." She kissed the top of my head and went back to my father.

"I would give you a hug but I fear I am sick. You will do great things as well Clarissa." I curtsied towards father and he gave me a bow in return.

"Now, let's get you in the carriage. You wouldn't want to be late for your first day back." I shook my head no and let my brother lead me out.

"I'm going to miss you, Rissa. Keep in touch with us. I want to know everything that happens." I laughed at him but nodded.

"I will. I'm going to miss you too. You know you can always ask me for advice if you need it." I gave him a hug after he tied down my things to the back.

"Always..." He whispered and I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"And forever." We always did this if we were going to be separated for a while. He helped me up and waved as my carriage took off. I waved until I couldn't see him anymore and pulled my arm in. I pulled out my diary and wrote an entry before I fell asleep.

Dear Diary,

     I'm finally on my way to school again. It was harder this year as my brother is now taking the throne. Father is sick and I don't think I will be able to see him again. I don't know what mother will do when something happens but I will be there if it does happen. I wish the school was a bit closer but being on my own is always a great adventure. I'm going to start fairy godmother training this year and I'm excited for it. I know for sure that I'll get a story now but I still have to finish my training. I hope these last two years fly by so that I can help all the other princess's and prince's stories.


                Clarissa Dovey

   I sighed as I put my diary away. I needed to get some sleep before we arrived so I moved around to where it would be comfortable. I ended up sitting on the floor and leaning against the seat. I gazed up at the stars and wished upon the north star that I would get my own story.

"Princess Dovey, we have arrived." I woke up with a start and saw that we have arrived. My footman was staring at me on the floor and chuckled as I got up to dust myself off.

"Was it comfortable?" I pouted but he just held out a hand for me.

"It actually was." I laughed along with him as he helped me down.

"I shall be back around winter break. Goodbye Princess Dovey." I waved them goodbye and walked into the School for Good. I could never get enough of how the school looked and this year I would be able to get a room by myself.

"Clarissa Dovey." I looked towards my right and saw my best friend; Vincent Daniels. I gave him a curtsey and he gave a bow in return. I laughed and launched into his arms.

"Woah!" We both laughed as he spun me around. Most people would think we were dating but he was just my greatest friend. He knew about my sexual orientation and never said anything against it.

"Same routine like last year?" He asked as we collected our schedules and dorm directions.

"Not this year. I have fairy godmother training starting this year. We can always meet up in the library after classes if you want." We compared our schedules but it didn't seem like we had any classes together besides at mealtimes.

"Your classes don't end until 6pm and mine end at 4pm." He pointed out and I sighed in defeat.

"Maybe before curfew then? Or how about on the weekends?" He chuckled at my enthusiasm.

"We will figure it out. You need to focus on becoming a fairy godmother. I'll see you later, okay?" He patted my shoulder and left to find his other friends.

I haven't seen anything like this unless I missed it somewhere. I really do like backstories so I hope you like this one. This is not canon so I know all the facts may not be right. I will try my best from both perspectives and will always be open for any comments you may have that will help. The chapters will bounce back and forth between the two so Leonora Lesso will start us off for chapter one.

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