10-- I'm not hiding!

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It was already Sunday.

I spent most of the last two days in my bedroom. Ever since the 'incident' I didn't want to face any of them. It's like they all think I did it on purpose. And it hurt.
This room was becoming my favourite place.i felt more secure here enclosed within the walls.

I finally figured out how to turn on and off the shower and have been wearing either Alessandro's or Niccolo's clothes because we hadn't gotten the chance to buy any for me. Not like I needed much. The curtains were always down and I never bothered to look around the room or even check the view.

I would have really loved to stay in this room forever with tiger and be happy.

The problem is mostly Lorenzo, the twins and Katherine.

Lorenzo came almost every hour I wondered if he ever went to work. The twins would stand by the door arguing before knocking continuously and waiting for me to let them in. Miss Katherine was always here with food even when I told her I was not hungry but I would still collect it to avoid dinner with them.

I never let them in.

Whenever they requested to come in I would tell them I was really tired and my throat still sore and itchy so it hurt to talk. Lorenzo would wish me goodnight and give me a kiss on my forehead and the twins would pout, number and drag each other to their rooms.

Vincenzo and Roberto never showed up, not like I was really expecting them to but still...... Emilio would also just pop in once then raise a brow at me when I stopped him from getting into the room.

I messaged Noah about the discovery of my allergy he asked if I was okay and if they were taking care of me, I replied in the positive and that's it.

I know it's just fair if him to be angry but I couldn't help but feel angry that he wouldn't just talk to me. Call me selfish but I couldn't afford to miss the only person I love.

"You know you can't stay in there forever"

"I can't?"

Lorenzo just chuckled at that from the other side of the door.

"Come on you've already missed dinner for two days you can't keep hiding".

I'm not hiding!

I just sighed then adjusted the beanie on my head then went ahead and unlocked the door.

"Let's go" he attempted to grab my hand and I quickly pulled it away. I wasn't comfortable with any form of physical contact.

"Right! No touching" he raised his hands indicating he won't touch me. I just nodded.

We walked past some doors that's probably my brother's rooms, I still hadn't gotten a chance to look around. I don't think I will get used to the flight of stairs.

I almost ran out when we stepped into the dining room and 5 heads whipped in my direction. I looked up at Lorenzo as if begging him to let me run back to my room but he just gave me a reassuring smile and directed me to sit beside him.

I think I will be staying away from juice for a while after that experience.

I stared at the plate in front of me for a while clearly avoiding their intense gaze.

"Why do you keep your room locked?" I'm beginning to think that Emilio hates me.

"I feel safer that way" I didn't know where that came from but it will work right?

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