Unexpected Encounter

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"Spike the Brave and Glorious you've faced the evil changelings before. What can you tell us?" A guard asks as the group is walking through the snow.

"Oh uh well they are changelings. So they can... change." Spike says nervously as Alexis shakes her head.

"You hear that? These monsters can look like any of us. So be alert guards! Even more than normal." The guard says.

"I'm pretty sure this is stuff my family already told you guys." Alexis says as she looks at the guards.

"And they could be anywhere. So we should cover as much ground as possible. You search that way!" Spike says as some guards run off.

"Well that was quick." Alexis says.

"And you search that way!" Spike says as the remaining guards run off.

"Well if you wanted alone time we got it. Where are we supposed to search?" Alexis asks as she looks at Spike.

"I... just search... here I guess. Not many places to hide. Unless that rock is a changeling. Okay rock. How do I know you're really a rock?" Spike ask as he looks at a rock.

"Spike I'm pretty sure that's just a rock. Spike? Ah!" Alexis shouts as she falls through the snow and lands near spike in a cave.

"Are you okay Princess Alexis?" Spike asks.

"Fine. Where are we?" Alexis asks as she shifts to wolf form and sniffs around.

"I thought you'd know." Spike says.

"Unfortunately no. I don't. Come on. We should look around." Alexis says.

"Right. Gah! Just my reflection." Spike says as he sees his reflection.

"Uh Spike?" Alexis asks as she goes over to Spike.

"Yeah. That's no reflection because othewise there would be a shine to the srea around it indicating it's a reflective piece of ice. Also wouldnt I be in there too since I'm right next to you?" Alexis asks in alarm as she backs away before Spike screams as the two see the other Spike turn into a changeling.

"Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-changeling!" Spike shouts as he and Alexis run.

"No wait! Come back!" The changeling shouts before Alexis and Spike slip on the ice and go over the edge causing the two to fall and scream before Aledis then gers caught by someone and sees the changeling caught her on his back.

"You saved me? Gah! Spike! Hold on!" Alexis shouts as she quickly shifts to pony form and uses her magic to catch Spike.

"This is unexpected." Spike says as the changeling brings him and Alexis to safety before he puts them down.

"You saved us?" Alexis asks.

"The ice is pretty slippery. I wouldn't want you to get hurt because of me. It's okay. I know you don't wanna be friends." The changeling says as he looks away sadly.

"Friends?" Alexis asks confusedly.

"Wait! I don't understand. Changelings are supposed to be evil... right?" Spike asks as Alexis nods.

"Evil? Oh not me. All I've ever wanted is a friend." Thorax says.

"Really?" Alexis asks.

"Yes. From the moment I first split my egg in the nursery hive... I was part of the attack on Canterlot during the royal wedding. But I'd never seen true friendship like that! And I couldn't just steal it and feed on its love. I wanted to share it! After that I knew I couldn't live with my kind anymore. I set off looking for love to share. But..." the changeling says sadly.

"But... what?" Spike asks.

"I'm starving! And there's so much love in the Crystal Empire right now. It's what drew me here! But it's drivin' me crazy!" The changeling says as Alexis shifts to wolf form and stands next to Spike protectively.

"Um no disrespect but coul you just uh keep a bit of space between us. Not that I don't believe in second chances but I don't know of trust your self restraint right now." Alexis says.

"I understand. But I wish I could know where that love is coming from. It's driving me insane." The changeling says.

"That would be from the royal Crystalling. It's pretty much a giant outpouring of light and love for a new baby. Basically coming from the Alexis and her new baby sister." Spike says as Alexis looks at him.

"Wait. You're the oldest daughter of the princess? That makes you a princess as well." The changeling says.

"Well I'm thr adopted princess but yes. Princess Alexis as your service." Alexis says as she playfully bows to the changeling causing him to smile and blush before he hisses at her causing her to jump back and snarl at him.

"Oh sorry! I'm just so hungry! If I had a friend maybe the love we shared could sustain me. But I don't think the Crystal Ponies want to be friends." The changeling says.

"What if I told you there was somepony they respect and admire so much he could convince them to give it a try?" Spike asks

"Spike." Alexis says as she looks at Spike.

"If only that were true." The changeling says.

"It is! I mean I am! It's me Spike! Spike the Brave and Glorious? I'm sure you've heard of me." Spike says as Alexis face palms with her paw before shifting back to pony form.

"Nope. But I was raised by an evil queen. I'm Thorax. I can't believe you want to help me." The changeling says happily.

"Well let's just say I still have my suspicions but you did save our lives. So I'm willing to give you a chance. Spike well he's just a kind person. But why are you surprised? Hasn't anyone ever been nice to you? Even your hive?" Alexis asks as she smiles kindly at Thoax before jumping back again as he hisses at her.

"Uh! S-Sorry! Kindness like that kind of brings it out. Do you still wanna be my friend?" Thorax asks.

"Of course!" Spike says.

"I guess I will too. I know what it's like to be different. Only my family and friends know about my shifting abilities. So I can get where you're coming from. If I can help then I'll certainly try." Alexis says as Thorax smiles at her causing her to blush slightly.

"And I am one hundred percent sure I can get the whole Crystal Empire to be your friend too." Spike says before Thorax hisses again before he covers his mouth with his hooves.

"Spike." Alexis says as she looks at Spike.

"But... maybe I should just uh talk to them first." Spike says as Thorax nods.

My Love Is True My Little Pony: FIM Thorax X OC Alexisحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن