Hanging Out

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"I didn't know the Galleria had any place like this. It's metagalactical!" Judy says as she is with Alexis in the garden area before Alexis spots her attempting to lean against a tree and quickly grabs her.

"I wouldn't lean against anything in here." Alexis says as Judy looks at her curiously.

"Why not?" Judy asks.

"Well this is all a hologram." Alexis says as she chuckles before putting down a guitar she was holding.

"Wow. It looks so real." Judy says as Alexis smiles and chuckles before going over to a computer panel.

"Yep. That's why I love it so much. You can make all kinds of scenery. Like this one for one." Alexis says as she types a scenery into the panel bringing up a beautiful forest area with a pond.

"Wow. This is beautiful." Judy says as she looks around.

"I can think of something more beautiful." Alexis says as she smiles at Judy causing her to blush.

"You're really pretty too... So is there a reason you chose this scenery? I only ask because it reminds me so much of Earth." Judy says as Alexis nods.

"Yeah. It is Earth. My home on Earth to be exact." Alexis says as Judy looks at her curiously.

"So you miss your home?" Judy asks curiously as Alexis nods.

"Yeah. I do but it's okay. Just being here reminds me of being with my parents back when I was a kid." Alexis says as she picks up her guitar and begins playing it.

"Your home is simply beautiful." Judy says as she smiles.

"Yeah... Maybe I could show you more of it one day." Alexis says as she smiles.

"I'd like that. That song you're playing is that the one you sent to me?" Judy asks curiously.

"Yes. I'm sorry it wasn't all that good. I love singing. I express myself best that way. It's also how I stay close to my birth mom since we used to do it together." Alexis says as she chuckles.

"That's beautiful." Judy says as Alexis blushes.

"Maybe... You wanna sing with me?" Alexis says as she gestures for Judy to come sit with her.

"I don't know. I'm not that good." Judy says shyly.

"I don't mind. I'm not either. But I wanna sing with you." Alexis says as she smiles reassuringly.

"Okay." Judy says as she goes over and sits beside Alexis.


"You're really good." Alexis says as she smiles at Judy.

"Thanks. You as well. My boyfriend back home was a musician too. Uh my former boyfriend." Judy says.

"Former huh?" Alexis asks as she smiles at Judy causing her to blush shyly.

"Yeah. If uh you would be interested." Judy says shyly.

"I could be persuaded." Alexis says as she and Judy smile at each other.


"Thanks for taking me to the movies Alexis." Judy says as she and Alexis arrive at the movies in Alexis's car.

"Not a problem." Alexis says as she and Judy lean in to kiss only to hear coughing.

"Excuse me." A voice says revealing to be a red haired woman on the monitor.

"Mother?" Judy asks in shock.

"I'm sorry but you know I wouldn't call if it weren't important. Is Elroy with you?" Mrs. Jetson asks curiously.

"Elroy? No." Judy says as Alexis looks at her curiously.

"He and Teddy have wandered off. I need you to help me find them. Search the mall, search the school. They might be at the plant." Mrs. Jetson says.

"Now?" Judy asks.

"Now." Mrs. Jetson says as Judy growls annoyedly as Alexis looks at her.

"I knew you'd understand." Mrs. Jetson says.

The Heart Knows What It Wants The Jetsons The Movie Judy X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now