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What the hell was that...?

I freeze up, not knowing whether to run to stay put. I wasn't afraid of anything before, nor am I now. It was just a jumpscare that made me freeze up like that. I guess freezing and staying put was my answer cause I haven't moved yet.

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I've been standing in the same spot for ten minutes and I heard the snapping sound three more times. I might've jinxed myself when I thought about someone or something else in this place.


There it is again... my body finally decides to move, but backward and into a dead-ended alley. I walked all the way to the back wall. I was going to stand there in order not to make any noise. As soon as I set my back against the wall, I felt an intense and sharp pain in my left arm, specifically on the location of my weird 'birthmark', and I grabbed it and squeezed it tightly.

This 'birthmark' was just an odd line with an empty circle at the midpoint. I've had it since birth but it looks more like a tattoo. Not only that, but no one else but me has been able to see it.

The pain seemed to feel exactly on the mark and... it began to... glow? It was glowing and it had shown a dial of some sort and a timer- A countdown specifically. The countdown of what probably started at thirty seconds was now at 24... 23... 22... 21... and it's still going... What will happen if this timer goes off?? ... Will something blow up? ... Is it a countdown to my death?! ... So many questions filled my head as the seconds were going and I started to lose control of my breathing. ... I was actually scared. No... not scared. I was terrified.

Not only was I actually scared shitless of what the timer meant, but I was also in fear of the effect it was giving off... The snapping sound started back up again... and it continued to grow closer.

I tried to hide the glow with my other hand, wincing at the sharp pains every now and then, and ended up moving to the corner of the walls.

11... I sit down and pace my breathing so I don't hyperventilate or make any more sounds than I already have. The snapping sounds are now... sliding sounds? Like if something was being dragged... or someone.

8... The creature was now standing in the alley but only at the far end. I seemed to have forgotten about the pain in my arm since I was scared that whatever was at the other end of this alley, would do worse... I didn't realize how many seconds were left on the countdown, but whatever it would do, I was hoping it could save me somehow...
4... It was only a couple of seconds before the-

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to be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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