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The bell just rang and I'm still in the hallways. Being late to class is now like a routine, and I can't really help that. I walk back and forth from school and my school is about an hour and a half drive from my home. There are no bus stops nearby and this is the only school near where I live. It's obvious that I'm lucky.

I sit down in class and ever since I walked through that door, all eyes were on me like a bright pink flamingo just walked in. Of course, this is also an everyday thing as well but, something felt off today. Maybe it was the fact I was 23 seconds later than usual or maybe my hair was messier today because I woke up late and was in a rush. It wouldn't matter what's different anyways.

Same old school, same stupid fucking lesson every day, same idiotic and bitchy students... it gets boring. What's infuriating to me is how uneven everything is. The desks are unaligned, the Promethean board projector is off-center, hell... even the clock is upside down! I don't know why these little things annoy me, but I'd rather not know. The less I know, the safer it is.

"Mel Nicholson! Are you even paying attention?!" Someone yells. Same stupid teacher too. I look at her with the most emotionless expression and say, "No, ma'am. I wouldn't bother because of how annoying your voice is. Plus, these lessons aren't any less twisted and uneven than your classroom is." A bunch of students burst out laughing and some tried to hold back theirs. Even the kid that hasn't said a word this semester chuckled. I expected her to either kick me out again or call some administration.

"Mel... I would like to have a chat with you after class. Understood?" What...?

I've been told many times that I needed to stay after class but It's never been over something so... stupid.

"UNDERSTOOD?" she asks again in a more serious tone.

"Yes Ma'am," I say with a smug look, trying not to sound or look disappointed. I lay my head back and prop my feet on the empty desk in front of me. The seat belongs to Amy Tener. That attention-seeking whore doesn't know when to shut up. Last week, she fucked the teacher down the hall because she was caught smoking in the bathroom. The only reason I know this is because I am the person that she tells everything. When I say 'everything', I absolutely mean it. It's not like I wanted to be that person, it just kinda happened. I also don't consider really anyone a friend or a close one. My brother is the only one I will ever care for... and right now, I can't stop worrying about him.

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The bell rings and I pack up to leave. "Mel Nicholson. Come up here and sit," she says. Oh yeah... forgot about that. I pick my things up and walk over to her desk. I set my things beside me and begin to find a comfortable spot in the old chair.

"Look, Mel... I don't want you to fail any more than you already are but, it seems like you are trying to fail at this point." I look at her with dead eyes and she seems to get worried.

"I know," I say.

I tilt my head up looking at the tiled popcorn ceiling. I really could care less about what she has to say. Looks like mold... from water moisture? "Mel?" I don't hear her. "Mel?" again... "Mel?!" and again... but it seems as if it's fading more. "Mel!" I heard it that time, but I had no reaction time to move my body... and I couldn't move my body... I can only hear muffled sounds of my name called but I can't react to them... did I forget to take my prescription this morning...?

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