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"Is he alright...?" Who's that?

"He should be just fine miss." Another person? Where am I?

"Come on Amber... They will notify us when he's awake again." And another? Amber...

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I open my eyes and call out the last name I heard before passing out the second time, "Amber..?" I say unsteadily. It's quiet... oddly quiet for what looked like a hospital. I could tell it wasn't the Nurse's office from the number of times I've been there from the countless fights I've been in. Those fights weren't actual fights though, it was more of... saving someone else's ass from getting beat up.

I sit up, and my back aches from how long I was laying in that position. There is a cup of water on the table beside me. I don't really like water, and I know that's a bad thing, but I reach for the cup anyways.

From what I remember, I passed out whilst leaning in the chair. I probably hit my head or something since my head hurts as well... I stand up and stretch out a bit. I don't know exactly how long I was out, but I know my body better than a lot of things. With that fact, I've probably been out for three hours or so.

I grab my items and walk out to see... nothing. There's no one here. I walk down the halls more and look into some of the neighboring rooms and there's no one in there either... what is going on...? Questions fill my head as I wander through the hospital more and more. Nothing... not one person. Not one sound. Just... nothing. I actually kinda... like it. It's quiet for once in my life.

I find my way toward the entrance of the building and I step outside. It's empty and quiet too. Centric Hospital... I'm in Honne Town? Why am I in Honne Town if I live in Retenville? It doesn't add up... The empty hospital, empty roads, and I've somehow woken up in Honne Town... I just don't get it... Weirdly enough, the items that I had on me before passing out were in the hospital room. My shoes were the only thing that wasn't there...

I walk barefoot to the closest store. Before leaving the Hospital, I rummaged through it to try and find some shoes but, luck was on the other side. I've never been anywhere outside of Retenville for the entire 19 years of my life, so I have no clue where I am.

As I walk in to what looks like a shoe store, I look around and try to find my size. Of course I didn't pay, it's not like anyone is there anyways. Walking towards the front of the store, I raise my hands with the shoes above the alarm just in case. I mean, I don't think it matters, but who cares. Kinda just a habit, even though this is my first time stealing something like this. I've stolen things like a piece of gum or a charger, but those are small items.

I explore some more areas of Honne Town and gather more things to survive off of. I'm still kind of surprised there is food here too. I wonder if there actually is something out ther-


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