Chapter Four: Bird Seeds

Start from the beginning

"Come quickly. Quickly." Robert told Gabriel, as he pulled the red-haired boy towards the front desk. "Sam? Sam, please don't tell me Mrs. Banks is already here." He asked Sam.

"Mrs. Banks is here." Sam said.

"Great." Robert said, slamming on the desk.

"With Mr. Banks and his lawyer." Sam said, she gestured upstairs towards the couple.

"Perfect, how long?" Robert asked.

"Do you want to know?" Sam asked.

"No, I don't." Robert said, shaking his head. "I need you to handle something for me, OK? See this boy?" He asked, gesturing towards Gabriel who is looking around.

"Who is he?" Sam asked.

"I have no idea." Robert said. "I'm pretty sure he's from out of town."

Gabriel grabbed a cup that was next to a kettle, he went over to the aquarium.

"What do you want me to do?" Sam asked.

"Find out where he's from, and get him there." Robert said. "And make sure it's cheap. If Nancy calls me, I need to talk to her." He said. He went towards Gabriel. "Gabriel? Gabriel. Don't drink that, OK?" He brought Gabriel towards Sam. "I have an important meeting. Sam is gonna get you home. Sam? This is Gabriel. Gabriel, this is Sam. Stay out of trouble."

Sam greeted Gabriel.

Gabriel slowly spat out the fish, back into the cup. Sam was a bit weirded out. "It's nice to meet you." He told Sam.

"It's nice to meet you too." Sam said, still a bit weirded out.

Narissa appeared at the aquarium, she looks at Gabriel angrily. She scared a fish away, and disappeared.


Nathaniel was currently in the kitchen. "Your Majesty." He said, and starts looking around.

"Nathaniel!" Narissa called, from a pot of boiling soup.

"Your Majesty?" Nathaniel called.

"Nathaniel, here! Nathaniel!" Narissa called. Nathaniel lifted the lid. "Finally. I'm boiling in here." She said, fanning herself. "Have you found him yet?" She asked.

"I'm afraid I haven't, My Lady." Nathaniel said.

"Time is of the essence. We can't risk my stepson bringing the boy back." Narissa told Nathaniel.

"He shan't, Your Majesty! I swear it!" Nathaniel said.

"No, he shan't. I intend to make absolutely certain of that." Narissa said.

"But, Your Majesty, how exactly did you...?" Nathaniel whispered. He looked up and saw someone looking at him weirdly. "Ever end up tasting so... Mmm... delicious?" He pretend to taste the soup. Three apples appeared. "Poisoned apples, My Lady. You mean, you want me to...?" He asked, gesturing the killing sign.

"Nathaniel, don't you see, my darling?" Narissa asked. "If there's ever going to be a happily ever after for us... Hmm?"

"Happily... ever after?" Nathaniel asked. "Oh, My Lady."

"Mmm, yes. It won't be difficult." Narissa said. "It's just one bite. That's all it takes." Nathaniel begin grabbing the apples out. "One small bite to drag him down into a deep and troubled sleep. And when the hands of the clock strike 12, that precious little pretender to my throne will be gone!"

"It shall be done, My Lady. I swear it." Nathaniel said.

"Yes. You'll find the boy at Columbus Circle-" Narissa said. A chef grab the soup out of the pot.

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