Chapter One: Wishing Well

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Edward was still on Destiny, he sings as they make their way towards where Gabriel was.

"True love's kiss." Edward sang.

The troll was walking towards Gabriel as well. "True love's kiss." He sang. Edward saw him.

"Oh, you shall not prevail, foul troll." Edward said. "That maiden or gentleman is mine!" He proclaimed. Destiny sped up.


Gabriel was looking out the window, his feet was touching the floor. Pip was on Gabriel's knees.

"Sugar, do you really think your dream prince exists?" Pip asked.

"Oh, Pip." Gabriel said, he tapped Pip's nose. "I know he's out there somewhere." He said, lightly scratching Pip's head.

Gabriel look towards the other animals. At that time, the troll's eye was looking into the window.

"Eye! Eye! Eye-Eye." The animals said, pointing at the giant eye outside of the window.

"I... I what?" Gabriel asked the animals, he giggled.

"I eat you now." The troll said. Gabriel and Pip jumped away from the window.

"Everybody, scatter!" Pip shouted, the animals ran away.

The troll's hands went into the house. "Gotcha." He said, as he caught something. Gabriel appeared on the other window and ran away. "Huh?" The troll saw that he caught the statue. "Hey! That's cheating!" He chased after Gabriel.

Gabriel and Pip were climbing the tree, the two of them saw the troll chasing after them.

"I supposed to eat you." The troll said.

"I think you "I am supposed..."." Gabriel corrected. The troll continue chasing after Gabriel as he hurries and climbs up the tree.

"Oh, no you don't, you big lug." Pip said, he jumped onto the troll's head.

Gabriel, Pip, and the troll was on a branch. The three of them felt the branch bending, because of the weight of the three.

"Wow, I got to lay off the nuts." Pip said, patting his tummy.

"Boy yummy." The troll said, he reached his hand towards Gabriel. A rapier was sent flying towards the branch, it was stuck to the troll's chain.

"Fear not, fair maiden." Edwards said, he appears. "I am here."

"Excuse me, but I'm a boy." Gabriel corrected.

"My apologies." Edward said, he cleared his throat. "Fear not, fair gentleman. I am here." He said.

Gabriel giggled, he exclaimed when he felt himself sliding down the branch.

Pip went towards Gabriel, and grabbed onto his big toe. "Gotcha!" He said. It was proved useless as they start sliding down, but Gabriel appreciate Pip for doing his best. "Whoa!"

Gabriel screamed, he slid down the branch. He grabbed onto another branch at the other side.

"Uh-oh." The troll said. Due to the lost of Gabriel and Pip, the troll was sent flying back by the branch.

"Oh! Pip!" Gabriel called, his fingers starts to slide off the branch.

"Just hang on, sugar." Pip said, he got onto the branch. "I'm going to..." He was about to grab Gabriel's finger but was late.

Gabriel screamed, as he fell. Exclaiming in pain, as he hit some of the branches. "Ow! Ow! Ow!" He landed in front of Edward, and on Destiny. "Oh, my gosh." He said seeing Edward. "It's you." He sighed.

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