Chapter Three: Morning Disasters

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A/N: Okay, so turns out Pip is a chipmunk. I'm gonna change that back in the prologue.

Also, I don't know about the height difference and stuff (Face claims). So let's just pretend in this, Gabriel is shorter than Robert, and he is thin but has some muscles.


It was now morning in New York City. The manhole Gabriel previously came out of was being checked by the workers.

"All right, let's close it up." One of the workers said. Before any of the workers could, Edward appeared. "Hey, buddy! You ain't-" He was interrupted by Edward.

"Silence!" Edward said, pulling out his rapier pointing it at the worker. The other workers tried to stop Edward only for hi to swing at them, not hurting anyone.

"Guys, I got it." The worker said.

"Your name, peasant!" Edward said. "Quickly!" He told the worker.

"Arty." The worker who is Arty replied.

"Are you in league with the wicked old hag who sent my poor Gabriel to this foul place, Arty?" Edward asked, looking around. A scream was heard, and Pip flew out. Edward grabbed Pip. "Is this man party to this evil plot, chipmunk?" He asked.

Pip tried to explain to Edward, but since they're not in Andalasia. He can't speak like he normally does.

"Aw, poor chipmunk. Speechless in my presence." Edward said. He got off, and walk closer to Arty. Arty backs up towards the van. "What say you, sir? Don't try my patience." He told Arty.

"What are you talking about?" Arty said.

"I seek a charming boy." Edward said. "My other half, my one true love, the answer to my love's duet." He said.

"I'd like to find one of them too. You know?" Arty said. "Either a girl, or a guy."

Edward retracted his rapier. "Then keep a wary eye out, Arty." He told Arty, putting his hand on Arty's shoulder. "Come along, Pip." He said, and went off.

"Are you OK?" Another worker asked Arty.

Edward ran onto the streets, and got onto a car. Pip was following him.

"Get off the car, you nut!" The driver yelled, honking his car's horn.

"Did you see that chipmunk?" Arty asked his coworkers.


Back in Robert and Morgan's home.

Gabriel woke up on the couch, he sat up yawned and stretched. He opened his eyes, and saw how filthy the apartment is. Books, papers, magazines everywhere. Unwashed takeout's on the tables. Clothes all around the place.

"Oh, goodness." Gabriel said, he clicked his tongue a few times in disapproval. "This just won't do." He thought of an idea, smiled and stood up. He went towards the window lifting it up, and sings. "Aaa, aaa, aaa-a!" 

Rodents around the trash, Pigeons on a statue, and Bugs around old foods. They all heard Gabriel's voice and made their way towards Gabriel.

Gabriel was reading a piece of newspaper, and felt something. Rodents came from the pipes under the sink, flies flew in down the chimney, pigeons flew in from the window.

One of the pigeons hit themselves onto the glass. Gabriel became worried and dropped the paper. "Oh, my. Are you all right?" He asked the pigeon. Once he saw that the pigeon was alright, he smiled.

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