Prologue: Once Upon a Time

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A/N: Prologue is out! Yay! This will probably take me a while to finish, but I'm okay with it.


The scene starts with a book as a narrator was telling the story of Enchanted.

Once upon a time, in a magical kingdom known as Andalasia, there lived an evil queen. Selfish and cruel, she lived in fear that one day her stepson would marry, and she would lose her throne forever. The evil queen knows about her stepson's interest in both men and women. She was relieved that none of the maiden were good enough for Edward, but there's still the gentlemen. And so, she did all in her power to prevent the prince from ever meeting the one special gentleman with whom he would share true love's kiss.

Inside of an isolated house surrounded by trees, was a young man with short red hair named, Gabriel. He was wearing a white shirt, with a light green cloak that only covers his back and torso, his pants were brown. He had a singular pink flower right beside his ear.

All kinds of animals that lives in the forest were in Gabriel's home.

"Gabriel, Gabriel, how about this for your statue?" A pair of blue birds asked, dropping a pinecone for Gabriel.

Gabriel caught it with his hand. "Oh, this will be wonderful. Thank you." He thanked the birds.

"You're welcome." The blue birds pair said, they got close to each other.

"Come on! OK, you mookses, move it!" Pip, Gabriel's friends the chipmunk said, the birds pair flew apart. "We have got a face to put together here while it's still ingrained in her subcranium." He said, tapping his forehead.

"Oh, Pip, it was such a lovely dream." Gabriel said, Pip went over to him. He strtas telling about the dream he had. "We were holding hands, in beautiful clothing, and dancing, and..." He spun around a bit, and was stopped by a rabbit. "Oh!"

"And these for the eyes." The rabbit said, he hands two sapphires to Gabriel who grabs them.

"Blue? Amazing, how did you know?" Gabriel asked. "And they sparkle just like his." He said, looking through the sapphires with his eyes watching them sparkles.

Gabriel went towards the statue, and place the sapphires in place. "OK. There we go." He finished placing them. "Yes! That's it!" He nodded, and look at Pip.

Pip giggled. "OK. Yeah, yeah." He got onto the floor, and stand next to the rother animals. "Floor's yours, sugar." He told Gabriel.

"Presenting my one true love." Gabriel said, he turns the statue around and showed it to the animals. "My prince. My dream come true."

"Ooh." The animals gasped and awed.

Gabriel gasped. "Oh, my!" He exclaimed, one of his hand in front of his mouth.

"Whoa, whoa. What?" Pip asked, he got onto Gabriel's shoulder. "What's the problem?"

Gabriel hummed, putting a hand on his cheek. "I didn't give him any lips." He said, seeing that the statue doesn't have a mouth.

"Ooh!" Pip said, he jumps onto the statue's shoulder.

"Does he have to have lips?" A young deer asked.

"Of course." Gabriel told the deer. He turn towards the other animals.

{True Love's Kiss from Enchanted}

When you meet the someone
Who was meant for you
'For two can become one
There is something you must do

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