Ch. 3: The Hero Killer And The Assault

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Y/N: Indeed. I never suspected this to happen. I-

(You sense that there's an assault happening on your fortress on Gorgoroth, and there turned out to be a 'spy' within your fortress, informing the assailants of the blind spots to hit it)

Y/N: My fortress in Gorgoroth. It's in danger. (Sees the spy involved and recognizes him) Tugog, you filthy, lying wretch. I'll have your head for this.

Mr. Stain: (Approaching) What's happening?

Y/N: One of my fortresses in Mordor is under attack. I have to head there quick and put a stop to it before it gets overrun.

Dabi: But you have forces in there defending it, right?

Y/N: I do, but there's a big problem.

Twice: What?

Y/N: One of my captains in there was a spy. He's informing the attackers of the blind spots within my fortress. (Senses and sees a Ringwraith is involved in the assault) It just gets worse. There is another, just like me, joining the attackers. I have to go there, now.

Izuku: (Grabs onto you) Then we'll put a stop to them. You're helping us stop the villains in our world. It's only fair we help you too.

Y/N: (Smiles) Very well, but be careful of the Ringwraith. I'll deal with him. Now then, tell me, are you comfortable fighting orcs?

Spinner: Orcs? You mean those creatures from fantasy books? I thought they were just fiction.

Y/N: Unfortunately, these are not.

Spinner: (Laughs) In that case, this will be fun. Count me in too. (Grabs onto you)

Mr. Stain: Me too.

Toga: Me too!

Izuku: (Smiles) I think we'll all be assisting you on this!

(Everyone then grabs onto you and waiting for you to teleport them to Gorgoroth to help in defending the assault)

Y/N: Very well then. Thank you all for your support.

(You then teleport yourself and everyone to Gorgoroth within the fortress walls. You look up and teleport to join the archers on top. Everyone else climbs up to join you among the orc archers. All the other orcs see you have brought newcomers to Gorgoroth and are surprised to see them)

Spinner: (Looks around and sees orcs everywhere) Are these the orcs we're going to kill!?

Y/N: No. (Points to the direction) Over there.

(Spinner looks to the direction you pointed, and sees orcs with two siege beasts, along with one of the wraiths who accompanied them)

Y/N: (Recognizes the wraith) It's him, the Witch-King of Angmar.

All Might: The Witch-King?

Y/N: Yes. I'll have to deal with him myself.

Dabi: In that case, we'll take care of the others.

(You sense Zogg climbing up to join you)

Zogg the Mystic: Boss! Am I glad to see you! We- (Sees the others you brought) Who are these people!?

Y/N: They're from another world, and they're here to assist us.

Zogg the Mystic: I see. I'm glad you came back. The Witch-King is among them. We'd need your help to take him down.

(One of the enemy captains walk up to you and speak)

Mog the Wicked: Dead boy! This fortress will belong to the Witch-King and to Sauron! He will conquer all of Mordor! Death to you and everyone who follows you!

MHA × Ringwraith Male Reader: War Between WorldsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant