Chapter Thirty: Graduation Day

Start from the beginning

"I hope that in your time here, you've all learned something. As an educator, that is my greatest hope. That you'll take the knowledge you have gained and put it to use in your own lives. But, if you feel you've learned nothing, or if you feel that your time has been wasted, then I offer you this: No matter what your feelings have been these past three years, these past three years you have been here. You've walked these halls, sat in the seats you're sitting in now, and created memories, good or bad, that will last a lifetime. These memories will be important, because one day you'll look back on them and realize just what they meant to you. So hold them close to your heart, and don't ever forget them."

"Students of Iwanai Municipal High School, please stand." At the command of the principal, the student body stood in unison. "Your time has now come. Make the most of it." And with that, the principal's speech concluded.

Next announced was an alumni, who went on to give a speech about their own life and how their high school life was, along with potential career prospects. Following them was the student council president. Considering the size of the school, the student council hadn't carried much in terms of responsibilities, but it was still a notable post nonetheless, so a speech was required from their leader. As usual, it came across as more standardized than anything else, with not a single word they said being memorable in the slightest.

Once they concluded, they announced the next person to the stage. "Finishing first overall for her year, third-year and soon-to-be graduate Michi Fukuhara." The crowd got quiet as they all looked around for the announced individual. Slowly, a small girl stood. Naturally, she wore the uniform of the school, her white, long-sleeve top with its sailor ribbon and a purple bow to indicate her year, along with a navy blue, pleated skirt and simple, brown indoor shoes. Her hair, blonde as always, was tied into two distinct buns, though a strand from each hung down far past her shoulders, as if they were in rebellion. She tried to keep her expression neutral, but it was definitely showing that she was nervous.

Then suddenly, Michi felt a hand grab her own. Looking down, she spotted Chiyo, smiling at her. "Ya got this," she whispered. It was such a small statement, and yet it filled Michi with so much courage. Taking a deep breath in and then out, she finally began to make her way to the stage.

Walking up the small set of stairs, she soon reached the podium... and was just too short to see completely over it. Quickly, a person off to the side on the stage grabbed something for her to stand on, getting a few laughs out of the audience. Ordinarily, something like that would've annoyed Michi, but in this case, it actually helped to relax her. Once she was situated, she looked out into the crowd.

There were plenty of faces she didn't know, but within that crowd, there were faces she was very familiar with. Taking a quick look at all of them, she finally felt ready.

"Students, teachers, administration, friends, and parents. On behalf of Iwanai Municipal High School, I, Michi Fukuhara, ranked one in academia at this establishment, welcome you here for this very special day. I would say it felt like only yesterday that we third-years were first-years, but... That's not really true at all, is it? To get to this point, it has been a long, winding, up and down time for many of us. And if you'll be gracious enough to allow me, I'd like to talk about my own journey that's taken place both within these walls and outside of them."

"There are some of you that know this, but I'm not originally from here. When I first came to Iwanai, I was without friends, family or guidance. I was alone. When my first day of school came to be a middle school student here, I dreaded it. I thought that that was how my life would be from now on. Quiet, and alone."

"But fortunately, it didn't take long for me to make my first friend, Kanako Nakatomi. Some of you may know her, whether that's due to her relationship with another girl here or because of her cooking skills. However, I know her as something else. I know her as a girl who loves."

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