January 7th, 2000

15 0 0

2:27 AM. My little girl was born, with beautiful hazel eyes, and caramel skin. 7 pounds, born a day before her due date. She came out of the womb quiet, not crying and making no noise. The doctors were shocked. They ran a blood test and urine test to find nothing wrong with her. After the tests were done, she was brought to me, still emotionless.

As soon as I cherished that sweet, precious moment she was taken from me. She was taken by my ex-husband, not even the real father. The alarms sounded, and I was sobbing. Security caught him, but he escaped. He had a pistol on him, and he shot both of the security officers. He ran throughout the hospital, passing by my door and shooting at it.

My nurse was seriously hurt, the bullet had hit her leg and her scrubs were covered in blood. I hadn't even got to name her yet. I then realized that there was no chance my baby would be found. It was hopeless.

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