(Malcolm pov)

Malcolm had went somewhere with no people because no one needed to see this. He stood there for a little waiting for him to take the bait. He had known Belos was watching them but didn't tell anyone because he knew they would put everything they had to going after him. He's a predator, like a shark he goes after prey one by one. Suddenly he comes out from the trees to attack Malcolm and Malcolm whips him with an energy tentacle. 

Belos: Ugh! How did you see me?!     

Malcolm: I didn't I just knew you would take to bait.

Belos: Please, you can still join me. Help me.

Malcolm: Like I said last time, no!

Belos: Then suffer the consequences.

He forms a claw and swings it at Malcolm. But Malcolm teleports the avoid it. Malcolm blasts Belos in the back and he falls. Malcolm picks him up and throws him with his energy tentacles. Belos is coughing and Malcolm walks to him.

Malcolm: What? All that high and mighty talk and you lose so quickly?

Belos stabs Malcolm in his left hand.

Malcolm: Ahh!!

Malcolm blasts him continuously, Belos' body breaks down until it's gone. He did it, he took down Belos. He had some explaining to do but he took him down, he walked back and started bandaging  his hand from the med kit he brought in case he did find people hiding and in case they were hurt. He hides it in an illusion and walks back.

When he got back there were more people around than before. Camila and Barry must have found more people. But shouldn't there be more. He bumps into a man with a devil on his head and wearing a robe.

Malcolm: Ah, I'm sorry.

????: It's fine. Hey you're human.

Malcolm: That means something?

????: No I just know Luz so it's nice to meet another human. I'm Bump.

Malcolm: Well nice to meet you Bump, how do you and Luz know each other?

Bump: I was her principle at Hexide.

Malcolm: Sorry about all this.

Bump: No it's fine, we'd be dead if it wasn't for Luz, and I hear you're the one who came up with a way to save us this time?

Malcolm: I hope so, is everyone here?

Bump: No, the ones that are here are the ones who didn't bend their knees to the Collector. The rest are frozen because of your stunt the other day.

Malcolm: Oh. Man the difference a day make right?

Bump: Yeah. Why don't you go do what you were going to do.

Malcolm: Alright.

Malcolm heads inside to see that all the illusionist were making concealment stones still. Malcolm looks for Luz to tell her that he's ready to help. When he found her she was on the ground looking at something.

Malcolm: What's going on?

Luz: My Palisman came back

Malcolm looks to see a snake in front of Luz. He is confused because he was seeing a snake.

Malcolm: Your what?

Luz: Oh shoot I never told you. I carved an egg from palistrom wood, I wanted my Palisman to pick it's own form and its a long story.

Malcolm: Well that's nice but I need you to get ready, we have everyone we can get.

Luz: Really that's everyone?

Malcolm: The ones that didn't join the Collector, look we need to get out of here. We're low on food, we smell terrible, this Island is going to disappear soon, and I can't shake the feeling we're missing something important. I'm going to go see if it's possible for this to work. But if it doesn't were going to need to look for everyone when we get back.

Luz: Alright, go do that then.

(Mindscape pov)       

Belos: I'm going to get there. This was a risky move but it worked.

Belos stabbed Malcolm in the hand long enough to implant a small amount of himself into Malcolms bloodstream. He rod piggyback on Malcolm. Not able to control him yet, but for now he'll watch what he does, learning as much about his allies as can, and then when he can, he'll attack them. With his new vessel he would be unstoppable.

Writer: Hello sorry I was gone for a little was trying to think of Ideas for this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. I thought the Titans blood with still force was a good idea, so I hope you like it too. Also I like to point out that Malcolm was a R&D scientist, so he's not sure that this will work unless he can test it. I hope you've liked the character and have a good day. 

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