the flight, the lightning, and the opportunity

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Luz, Camila, and Vee had, had breakfast and where packing for the trip to central city. After their night long research they had purchased tickets to fly to central city and they leave the next day.

Luz: Hey where will we be staying?

Camila: I booked us a hotel for a few nights.

 Vee: How did you get all this done so quickly and why are you so determined to get back?

Camila: One I didn't really sleep that long last night so I got up at 3am and set this all up. As for the second question I'm worried... about everyone who was still there when were sent back.

Vee (In a awkward sounding tone): I'm sorry I asked.

Camila: Its alright.

Soon they hear a knock at the door and Malcolm comes in and looks around at the packed bags.

Malcolm: You guys going somewhere?

Camila: Yes, actually we're going to central city tomorrow.

Malcolm: Oh cool, hey I'm actually going there to.

Camila: Really why?

Malcolm being nervous decided to come clean and tell that he heard them talking last night.

Malcolm: ...I heard what you guys were talking about last night. It was quiet and to be honest it was hard not to hear you guys.

Luz(nervous tone): Well what else did you hear?  

Malcolm: Relax I know about the shapeshifter

They all froze at what he said and look at him as he said it unfazed

Vee(nervous tone): What are you talking about?

Malcolm: I followed Camila on Halloween because...well I don't know why. All I knew was that something was up so I followed my instincts and saw the fight with that goop thing.

Luz: Belos... it's name was Belos.

Camila: Why would you follow me?!

Malcolm: Well it was better than following a bunch of kids! And besides for all I knew, there could have been something really bad that would happen.

Camila: Fair point.

Malcolm: Also in the back of my mind I kind of wanted to see what was getting Jacob all scared.

Vee: Yeah that guy needs to get off his imaginary high horse.   

Luz: I'm just surprised you knew for so long.

Malcolm: Well I watched what happened and concluded that you were the good guys. Now this may sound weird to say after just having that conversation but it was Camila's proposal to have lunch still on the table?

Camila: Oh yeah I forgot, I'll make something.

Malcolm: Want some help?

Camila: Sure

They made food and ate outside, telling Malcolm about the boiling isles, Belos, the collector, and why they were going to central city.

Malcolm: So you think that you might find a way to get back to the boiling isles if go there?

Luz: Yep.

Malcolm: Funny, I used to work at STAR labs.

The three choked on their food and looked at him.

All three: You worked at STAR labs?!

Malcolm: Yep.

Camila: Huh, I didn't think you used to work there.

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