Back in battle

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Malcolm had written out equations to determine any side effects of what they were about to do. He found that opening the portal wouldn't cause any side effects to the person going through but it would release a large amount of energy. Malcolm realized that would make them an easy target for the Collector. He went out to tell everyone what he figured out.

Malcolm: Everyone, everyone.

Everybody stopped talking to listen to what Malcolm had to say.

Malcolm: We can open a portal to human realm. But we would need to go through quickly because each person who goes through will release a large amount of energy on both ends of the portal.

Everyone murmured in confusion.

Malcolm: It means that anyone with a large amount of power will be able to sense us.

Everyone started murmuring louder.

Luz: So we need to keep a look out for the Collector if h comes here.

Malcolm: Exactly. Luz you're going to have to keep the portal open.

Luz: What why?

Malcolm: The portal will require constant still force to keep it open and also to keep people from appearing in the stone age or far into the future.

Eda: That could happen?

Malcolm: Still force is very unpredictable so it's possible.

Everyone look at Malcolm with a worried expression. 

Malcolm: Look I know this is dangerous, but sure beats burning in the boiling sea.

Barry: Malcolm, Camila, Vee, and I will keep the Collector busy while everyone get through the portal, Eda will go first to make sure everyone gets through. We'll open the portal  inside to make sure the Collector does get in.

Malcolm leads Luz inside and stands her where see will open the portal. He gets King to follow and hands him a knife. 

Malcolm: You ready for this?

King: Born ready.

Malcolm cuts kings hand and collects a bit of blood. He bandages Kings hand and King sits down.

Malcolm: Okay you're going to hit this vial with as much still force energy as you can. When the portal opens you need to keep feeding it energy so that it stays open long enough.

Luz: Wait how will I get back?

Malcolm: You can teleport yourself back. 

Luz: Okay I hope this work.

Malcolm holds the vial up for Luz to aim. She fires a still force blast at it and a contained explosion happens. A portal opens and Luz holds it open with all her focus.

Malcolm: Okay Eda go through now.

Eda walks through and ends up back at the portal. She looks around to see she's in the human realm, she throws a rock back through to show she got there and everyone is cheering. People grabbed their things and started walking through one at a time at a fast rate. 

(The Collector pov)

The Collector is sitting thinking about what todo next, then he senses the energy from the people going through the portal. 

The Collector: So they're trying to leave, bad move.

He teleports out of the room he was in and outside to locate the portal. After another pulse he finds where it is.

Collector: Gotcha.

(Cave portal pov)  

People kept going through the portal and Luz was. making sure everyone got there. Everyone heard a noise from out. Malcolm ran outside to see the Collector standing there.

Malcolm: Guys everyone gets through at any cost.

Malcolm, Barry, Camila, and Vee attack the Collector but are sent back by the Collector quickly, Malcolm blasts the Collector with his magenta energy blasts but it does nothing. Barry throws lightning at him only to just annoy him. Vee stomps on the ground making everything shake. People wobbled at the shaking but the Collector was unfazed by the shaking and snaps his fingers sending everyone back. Malcolm and Vee get up and go at the Collector. Malcolm holds him with his energy tentacles while Vee holds hims with her strength. Barry and Camila run around and throw lightning at the Collector weakening him. There were not a lot of people left and pretty soon there was no one left. The four of them run run through the portal to find themself's in the swamp. They look around and see they have a lot of people to shelter.

(Luz pov)

Luz had let everyone through and looks to see the Collector outside. Luz closes the portal before he came inside. 

The Collector: Idiot you just closed your only way back.

Luz: No I just wanted the last laugh.

Luz snaps her fingers and disappeared. The Collector yell at the top of his lungs and destroys the knee. Luz is in the swamp like everyone else and she goes to find her family and friends. When she finds Amity she gives her a big kiss and Amity just falls down redder then a tomato. Luz giggles and helps her up. Malcolm gets higher up to make a speech.

Malcolm: Everyone, we did it. We are in the human realm now, but they're so many of us that we're going to need to have some of us in different places. But for now we need to head to Central city, STAR labs will be big enough for all of us, for now. Barry and Camila can you guys run us to Central city?

Barry and Camila: Sure.

Barry and Camila run back and forth grabbing people and running them to STAR labs. By the time Malcolm was brought there he looked to see that STAR labs was in shambles. 

Malcolm: What happened here?

Barry comes back with the last of the people and looks around.

Malcolm: Hey what happened?

Barry: I don't know.

(The Hall when everyone was going through the portal pov)

Chester was on a computer studying Felix's anatomy trying to find a weakness. Suddenly an alert comes on and Chester is startled. He looks at the alert.

Chester: Guys, you need to see this.

Allegra: What is it?

Chester: The satellites  are detecting a large amount of energy coming from Gravesfield.

Allegra: Thats the town Luz came from. 

Chester:  Yeah whats even weirder is that it keeps pulsing.

Batwoman: Well what does that mean?

Chester: I think they're coming back, but if I had to think of what they would do next, they would head to STAR labs.

Allegra: But it's in shambles.

Chester: They don't know that.

The pulses stop and Chester looks at the screen.

Chester: They must have finished what they were doing.        

Allegra: Well send them a message and tell them to come to the Hall.

Chester: On it.

Chester sends a massage to the Spencer to tell them to head to the hall.

Writer: Hey sorry I've been gone. I got sick so I couldn't write for a few days. But now I'm back and writing again. I hope those of you who gave this story a chance are liking it. Have a good day. 

stand stillOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora