Chapter 1, A New Story (Tords pov)

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I ran down the street with my boyfriend Matthew chasing me. Matthew: "HEY COME BACK B!TCH" I ran faster not looking back. I saw people stare at us and backing away not offering help. I ran to the apartment complex and knocked on the first door I saw. Tom: "What the hell you wa- TORD" "No time to explain!" I rushed in and slam the door. Tom: "GET OUT" "please let me stay I'm begging you.." Tom: "Explain then" "Well uhm..." words went through my head of what HE done to me "I.. He uh..." I couldn't get the words out of my mouth, the words I fear, Tom: "Tord?" Tears ran down my cheek I was to useless to do anything, Tom: "TORD" I felt a warm hug around me Tom: "Commie it's gonna be okay..." "are you sure..." I heard a pounding at the door and stood still Tom: "who's that?" "I'll check" As I opened the door Matthew grabbed me by the hips and bit my neck. Tom: "HEY LET HIM GO" Matthew didn't listen and picked me up "P-put me down.." I stuttered. Matthew: "let's go babe" Tom; "he's not GOING WITH YOU" Matthew: "he is b!tch" The next thing I knew I was in Toms bedroom, the door was locked. Tom: "your finally awake Tord" "what happened.." Tom: "I kicked your boyfriend out and let's say he's not happy" "oh..." Tom: "Edd still doesn't forgive of what you did so you have to stay in my room whenever Matt or Edd comes over." "Got it.. but when do I leave.." Tom: "your staying with me." "Are you sure though.." Tom: "I'm sure but don't touch Susan then he unlocked the door and left so did I, Negative thoughts ran through my head, Useless, Weak, Commie, Freak.
I putted my hands in my pocket and tried to find the pocket knife I had in my pocket. I freaked out when I couldn't find it then looked at Tom. Tom: "looking for this?" He pulled out the pocket knife I had in my pocket. Tom: "explain why there is blood in it" I didn't say anything and slowly backed away. Tom grabbed my red hood and pined me to the wall. Tom: "tell me NOW" A tear ran down my cheek. I was filled with fear, Ton: "I'm not letting go till you give me a damn answer" I felt weak, to weak to say anything or do anything. Tom pushed me into his room and locked the door, I got flashbacks of Matthew locking me in a room. "Tom..?" Tom: "Tord I know your worse fear and I'll do it to you if you don't tell me what the hell you were doing with the knife" "IM SORRY I CUT MYSELF DONT HURT ME" I covered my face with my arms. Tom: "TORD WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT" "I'm sorry.." Tom: "SORRY DOESN'T HELP YOUR SCARS HEAL" More tears came down my cheeks I wanted to die so bad. Tom: "Tord I'm so sorry.." My heart beats faster when Tom came closer. Tom grabbed my cheek then kissed me on the lips. After the kiss he bit my neck and I tried to hold in my moan. Tom: "did you enjoy that~" I nodded then Tom dragged me on the bed . I cuddled with Tom and we slowly went to sleep

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