Train disaster part 2

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Hey everyone Violet and Leyna here hope your enjoying part 2.

Adrianna POV:

We walk to the back of the train Ruby and Ruddiger bark as Varian said "Ah yes yes this is perfect." I close the door Eugene said "She'll be cold back here." Varian said "She'll be fine in Corona." I said "The baggage cart really." They smile and I said "There wasn't anything wrong with our papers right Mr." Varian said "Of course not your highness we just thought you didn't want to mingle with those commoners." Then Ruby and Ruddiger were barking at something I said "Ruby calm down." Then for some reason our cart got disconnected from the other half of the train. Varian said "What was that." Eugene said "I don't know but there goes the dining cart." I said "Get off of me." Varian said "I'm trying." Then I started to kick him off me Varian said "Ow." Eugene was looking at something and said "Ugh Varian." Varian said "What." Eugene said "I think someone has flambé our engine." Varian went to look and went to the front of the train. Varian said "Something not right." And he went to go check on the front of the train.

Varian POV:

I went to the front of the train to see what was going on. I said "Wait here I'm going to go check it out." I was at the front of the train and felt really hot like the whole cart was on fire I said "Oh hot." I tried to cool it down but it was just getting even hotter and fire grew bigger. Then Adrianna said "We're going way too fast." I said "Nobody driving this train we are going to have to jump." Adrianna said "Did you say we need to jump." I open the door and she said "After you." I said "Fine then come to the other cart I said "come on I need an axe or something." Eugene said "here." He gave me an axe and I cut the other cart while Ruddiger and Ruby kept barking. Then it gave Adria an idea I said "Come on give me something better then this." Then Adria gave me a stick of dynamite I said "That will work."

Adrianna Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz