Cassandra finds out Adrianna is alive and reunite with Hugo

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Hey guys Violet and Leyna here hope we reach 100 reads so enjoy. Here's Bat pony Cassandra.

Cassandra POV:

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Cassandra POV:

I was sitting down talking to myself I said "God knows if Adrianna just hold it right there buddy Adrianna is dead. All the Goldstone are dead dead dead am I right my friend how could that be." I got scared and I said "Come on I'm suppose to believe that girl all these years that some guy claims she's a Goldstone. Okay okay I get the message ugh enough already with the creepy glow and the smoke people if that thing come back to life then that means Adrianna alive." I heard there conversation and then I said "And that's her woah mayday mayday." The weird necklace drag me under water back to Hugo lair and I kept screaming I said "Help." Till I made it to Hugo lair.

Hugo POV:

I waited for Cassandra to returned Cassandra said "Oh boy that was nuts I tell you what ow." I said "Who dares intrude on my solitude get out get out." I grab the bat pony and held her I said "Cassandra is that you." Cassandra said "Master your alive." I said "Yes we'll matter of speaking." My ear pop out Cassandra said "Oh that came out." I said "Something happening." Cassandra said "Yeah." I said "I knew it I knew it I can feel the dark force growing." Cassandra said "I'm not surprised I saw her Adrianna." I said "Adrianna Alive." Cassandra said "Ugh sir your mouth." I said "That Goldstone rat." Cassandra said "Ain't that a kick in the knees. I guess a curse ain't what it use to be huh sir." I said "That girl is why I'm still stuck here in this limbo that curse isn't complete ow." Cassandra said "Woah." I said "Oh look at me Cassandra I'm failing apart." Then I was crying I said "I'm a wreak." Cassandra said "Actually your doing quite well Master you look really good." I said "Really." Cassandra said "Sure you do sure is this the face of a girl who would lie to you come on sir you need your old spark back." I said "I lost the gift of the dark forces the key to my power." Cassandra said "You mean this old relic necklace." I said "You had it where did you get that." Cassandra said "I found it." I said "Give it to me." Trying to take it from her.

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