2. French Word for D*ckhead!

Start from the beginning

"You know Ella?" I looked at him.

"Yeah, she's always hanging out at Tom's house whenever the team's there."

I froze, holding a breath as I remembered his name. Ryan Woodsen, a member of the football team one of Joey's best friends. He's also Tom's cousin.

"Cool." Was all I could manage to say.

"Look, I'm sorry about last year." He looked down at his hands, picking at his nails nervously.

"Sorry about what? Calling me all of those names or that one time when you and your friends pushed me down the stairs?"

"All of it. I'm not like the other guys on the team, I'm not some bully who picks on- who picks on-"

"Someone who's gay?" I finished his sentence for him.

"Joey's a dick, he's also very intimidating." He sighed.

"I'm sorry, for everything."

I didn't know what to say, so I just scrunched my nose.

"Have a nice day." He smiled and waved before exiting the bathroom.

That was the weirdest encounter I've ever had in my life, even weirder than when I came out to my family.

After giving myself a once-over in the mirror, I quickly made my way to French class. "French is one of the most popular languages worldwide." The teacher paused during her speech as I made my way toward the back where Clayton had saved me a seat.

Halfway down the isle, however, my foot tripped over something and I fell forward onto the cold and hard ground.

A few members of the class erupted into laughter.

"Watch where you're going, homo." Said through his laughter.

"Joey! Principal's office! NOW!" Miss Saunders shouted from the front of the classroom.

"Should I give her a gift?" He laughed.

"You're on very thin ice, Mister Turner."

I picked myself off of the floor and made my way to the back.

"Excuse me, Miss Saunders?" Ella put her hand up.

"Yes Miss Jonson?"

"Is there a French word for jackass?"

"Do you wish to join Mister Turner in the principal's office?"

"Sorry Miss Saunders."

I sat down, keeping my head faced down. "Are you okay?" Clayton whispered.

"Splendid." Was my response.

"Now, back to what I was saying." Mrs Saunders sighed as Olivia ran through the door, huffing for air.

"Take a seat, Olivia."

"Sorry Miss." She apologised as she made her way toward our desk.

"Do you mind?"

"Sorry. I didn't realise you'd be in this class." I stood up and went to sit in the empty chair Joey left behind.

"Now, welcome to French Class." Miss Saunders continued. "We will be learning one of the most beautiful languages in the world."

Ace Caldwell sat in front of me, and I couldn't help but stare at him from behind.

Why am I being so weird?

I plopped my head down on the desk, letting it smack against it's surface in complete frustration.

"For today's lesson I want each of you to find a partner to practice speaking phrases to each other."

"On each of your desks is a booklet filled with translations."

I reached for the booklet Joey had left on the desk and began to inspect it.

Learning French was written in bold letters at the top.

I looked around the classroom to find a partner. Clayton had his girlfriend, and Ella had her boyfriend. I turned to my left to ask the girl who was sitting there to pair with me but she had already gotten up to pair with another girl in the class.


"Mr Harrington, you can partner with Mr Caldwell." Again?

Is god trying to be cruel to me?

"Twice in one day." Ace said as he turned his chair around to face me.

I just rolled my eyes and began to read the booklet. Phrases, sentences and words were written down in French, with an English translation on the side.

"Start by introducing yourselves in French." Miss Saunders instructed.

"Bonjour." Ace smiled. "Je m'appelle Ace."

I looked at him in confusion. "You speak French?" I wondered, seeing that his booklet was still seated on his desk unopened.


"Then why are you in this class?"

"What are you, the class police?"

I scoffed.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself? Or should I just call you intello?"


"It means nerd." He translated.

I rolled my eyes.

"Je m'apple?" I rose an eyebrow.

"App-elle, not apple." He corrected.

"Je m'Appelle Charlie."

He said something else in French.

"What does that mean?"

"Did you have a nice trip?"

I scrunched my face in confusion before I realised he was talking about when I had tripped down the isle of the classroom just before. Then I realised that it wasn't Joey that tripped me, it was Ace.

"You're a- a." I stuttered. He looked at me with a smirk, waiting for me to finish the sentence.

"You're a, whatever the French word is for Dickhead!" I scolded, sitting back in my chair.

Ella gasped from behind. "Charlie Harrington! Did you just say a bad word?"

"Mr Harrington, that's an afternoon detention for you." Miss Saunders spoke from the front of the class, a look of disappointment on her face.

My face fell. I've never gotten a detention before. Then again, I've never even swore before.

Ace stifled a laugh in front of me, turning back to his own desk.

"Connard." Ace said. "That's the word you're looking for."

"I heard that Mr Caldwell! That's an afternoon detention for you also."

I was upset about having detention, but at least he has to suffer too.

"What is wrong with this class today?" Miss Saunders mumbled to herself before she continued with the lesson.

I am not very good with French. All French in this story is translated from google, so I'm not sure if it's completely accurate. I've only recently started learning French, so I'm sorry if some translations are incorrect.

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