006. A Tully Celebration

Start from the beginning

Naenya smiled into her cup. He had waited long enough to bring the topic up. 

"Thank you, Lord Grover. I will be certain to pass on your words," Naenya said, taking another tart for herself, "I am sure he will be pleased,"

Lord Grover nodded, remaining standing for his not-so-subtle interrogation. Naenya couldn't find it in herself to blame him. She had arrived at his home to gain his loyalty, so he had every right to make sure his support was well placed, especially now that her father had a young, fertile new wife who could pop out a male at any second.

Naenya was not stupid.

"How are you feeling about gaining a new mother after having lost your own mother in such a way?" Lord Grover asked, whether he was feigning sympathy for her or not was harder to tell, "Have you even met her before?"

The Tully words echoed through her head. Family. Duty. Honour. There was a reason why the house words began with the words family. 

"While I am still saddened by my mothers death, I cannot hold ill feelings towards my father for wishing to find love," Naenya said, staring at Lord Grover, "I do, in fact, know Lady Alicent, and I am sure she will be a lovely addition to the family. She knows the duty of family well, and I can only hope to help her in her role as Queen and mother,"

Lord Grover nodded, staring into the lit fire as he fell deep into thought. 

"She's awfully young too, the same as your sister princess Rhaenyra, do you think the King will look to grow his family?"

Naenya held in a chuckle. He was finally getting to his point. 

"I can only assume he would, otherwise he would have married an older Lady nearer his age," Naenya said, choosing each word for a reason, "And I, of course, gladen a larger family. Siblings are a rare gift,"

"Do you feel concerned over what could happen if Lady Alicent bears a son?" Lord Grover asked, finally getting to the crux of the matter, "Do you fear how that might threaten your position? Some Lords may wish for a son to take over your position as heir,"

Family. Duty. Honour. 

"I understand why some may feel frightened over the prospect, but I have confidence in my position as heir, and I would only welcome a brother with open arms," Naenya said smoothly, taking another sip of her water, "My only wish would be that he was raised with me, so I might train him to become my Hand, or become a Master of some kind,"

"Some would think that's a fool's decision, that it would be better to cut the problem off at the root," Lord Grover continued his interrogation, finally shifting his gaze from the fire to Naenya. 

Family. Duty. Honour. 

"That may be the easier way for lesser men, but I wouldn't hurl myself into war like some of those before me," Naenya said, returning his gaze with a level one of her own, "I'm sure you can relate, Lord Grover, but family should always be viewed in high regard. You should endeavour to keep family close,"

Lord Grover nodded, evidently pleased with the answers Naenya knew he wanted. 

"But, of course," Naenya continued, Lord Grover watching her in confusion, "Even family must sometimes be reminded of their place,"

Lord Grover stared at her, his shock slowly morphing into understanding. Taking a step backwards, he bowed slightly to her. 

"Of course, princess, you would be right," Lord Grover said, "I thank you for allowing an old man to talk your ear off. My children hardly let me these days,"

Naenya nodded, rising to her feet. Taking a final tart for herself, she strode forward to hand her goblet to the Tully man. 

"It was my pleasure, Lord Grover," Naenya said with a sweet smile, victory radiating off her, "Next time you wish to take a walk, inform me of anything you wish to discuss next time. So I might be prepared to give you my most thoughtful answers,"

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Naenya's learning how to Game of Thrones Universe politic!

Naenya's learning how to Game of Thrones Universe politic!

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Also, Naenya just flat out lying to Grover Tully to make him like her lol

Also, Naenya just flat out lying to Grover Tully to make him like her lol

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