Chapter 1: New Student

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Your lips follow what your heart say. 

- Matsumoto Yua

In Matsumoto Yua life, being alone is part of her growing up since she lost his long-time friend. She has a long hair till her chest, and was given taller legs. Yua entering high school is much worse than she thought. Yua seeing students together with their lover makes her wanted to fly away and rub her heart. Teachers pressured her to join competitions because she's genius, but she thinks it doesn't work that way and her family planning about the upcoming days when she doesn't want to be in the future. People should choose what they wanted. Writing club was a decision of her to join to improve her writings in light novels and poetries. Written works was the only thing she was interested. Yua was having a difficulty in their club since it was her first time joining a club in her entire life and interacting with other students, she felt like wanted to disappear.

It was also her first time to write a book with her name in front as the author, it was embarrassing but it was needed. Being a prodigy in writing books doesn't encourage Yua to let anyone read it. She doesn't want to share her thought with anyone, in her experience when she writes light novels and poetries, she put her heart on it just like what his father told him. Being a second year in high school was still not easy for her, Yua was still adjusting to communicate with the students and teachers. Yua was not good at communicating and socializing, even her classmate didn't hear her voice sometimes. They even thought that Yua was deaf. 

It was Monday morning; all the students were excited to see the new student that will be introduced in her class. Suddenly a good-looking person entered the room, he was taller than Yua, black eyes, dark and long hair till bellow his chin. After class, lots of girls headed towards him and flirted. It was a disgusting look for Yua so she headed to the club and suddenly he gets up from his seat and followed her. It was such a disaster to be followed, various actions came up with her mind. Yua was shock when he suddenly grabs her shoulders and pulled it while she was walking. Such a rude person would instantly follow and pulled her. He saw in her face how annoyed she was, he apologizes and asked Yua a question no one ever asked her. He asked Yua if she remember him? It made her freeze for a second. Yua answered him no, the grinned in his face disappeared. She ignored him and walk to the club. In her thought, how stupid would it be to ask a person if they remembered them?

After the club activities, she headed home and suddenly another annoyance appeared in front of her. It was her sister, Matsumoto Sakura. She was excited for being a first year in high school, the two of them are unlike. When Yua was a little, her sister would call her Yua instead of big sister since she doubted that they were siblings. Their mother and father came back home late, because they were both busy from work. So, Sakura would cook dinner for them to eat. After the dinner, Yua would head back to her room to study and continuing her light novel that it was assigned by the club to see if there is an improvement in their works. In her thought, it would be embarrassed that people would start reading her writings.

Yua started writing literature and light novels when she was at middle school. It made her interested since she like reading the books that Tanaka Yuriko made. She was a great author; she gave excitement and attractions to readers. Yua's father was also fond of books which make him get low grades at school, that is why Yua studied harder so that she wouldn't fail a single grade at school and prove that she was dedicated for being a writer and would let her parents studied her at a university she dreamed to go someday.

It was Tuesday morning, the light novel she brought was full of words and thoughts from her. It was related about her past, when she was a child there was this kid Yua always played with. Until he leaves her and transferred to a private school at the City in Tokyo since her mother worked there, and the story continues. He faced bunch of problems with his life at the city, this part was already made of and it was not already related to her. 

The class was finished, everyone headed to their clubs. Yua arrived just in time and they started immediately. It was boring for her since the works she checked has no improvements at all. Same mistakes were being repeated and it annoyed her. They take a small break, Yua goes to her locker and something what she feared the most happened, Yua lost the book she made. She came to searched it in the classroom but it was not there. She decided to go outside and search for it. It surprised Yua when she recognized the book cover, the annoying guy was reading it. She came to him with an annoyed look at her face. He laughs at Yua and told her that it was a nice book. After he handed the book, Yua felt annoyed and embarrassed, it was worst since her name was written as the author. She came back at the club room with an irritated face. Suddenly the president of the club approaches her. Nakagawa Takumi. But suddenly the vice president of the club called him, he leaves her and prioritize the vice president. The two of them are so closed which a lot of stuffs came into Yua mind since she writes once a boy's love light novel. She started to hate herself for thinking of it.

She handed the book to Nakagawa-senpai, then she leaves the club and headed to the library near the school. It was an old place owned by an old guy man Takahashi Akio. The books were full of dust no wonder there was no visitors except for Yua. Takahashi-san was happy for a single visitor to look in on his collections of books. It took Yua a lot of time to find another book that it would interest her since she came here all day. He talked to Yua and recommended her a light novel made by his son when he was at a young age. Yua took the book and leave the library, while she was walking at the streets someone was following her again. It was the annoying guy, he asked her if Yua really write the book since it was kinda tragic. For the first time Yua asked for someone's name. He told her it was Ito Naoki, his name means a honest person. He told Yua he lives in his grandparent's house since his mother died from cancer. He suddenly ran and leave Yua with a shock face. She was surprised why did Ito told her about that.

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