"Well I just came from your dad's office and I saw the schedule for tonight," Bron replies. "I didn't see you or Indi on it. Which is probably why he wants to see you." 

"What?" Becca scoffs and gets up from her chair. "Move. Indi, I'll be right back." She stomps out of the room without another word. 

Bron offers Indi a small smile before he dismisses himself and heads after Becca down the hall. 

Becca marches down to Shawn's office looking for some answers. On her way, Grayson just so happens to be meandering by, like he usually seems to be when Becca has something going on. 

"Woah now, where's the fire, sweetheart?" Grayson sees Becca and falls into step with her as she passes him. 

"Not now, Waller." Becca grits her teeth. 

Grayson remains in step with Becca but can tell that somethings got her all riled up. "Damn, who went and pissed you off, Becca?" He asks her casually. 

"My dad," Becca replies sourly. "He's trying to sweep my tag match with Indi under the rug." She seethes. 

"Oooo." Grayson cooes. "Mind if I tag along? I'd love to see you give the old man hell." He asks her. 

"Whatever," Becca replies as she rounds the corner to Shawn's office. 

Grayson trails behind Becca and stops just outside Shawn's office. He's out of sight of the door but is still close enough to hear what's going on inside. Becca storms into the office and Grayson chuckles when he hears her confront her dad. 

"What the hell, dad?!" Becca storms into the office and right up to Shawn's desk. 

Shawn looks up from his work with a calm expression and folds his hands out in front of him. "Becca, there you are. I've been meaning to talk to you all night." He gestures for her to take a seat in the chair next to her. 

"Cut the crap, dad." Becca snaps back at him. "Why in the hell did you cut my tag match with Indi? I promised her that I'd help her with Gigi and Jayce. You've got no right to make me break that promise." She points an accusing finger at Shawn. 

Shawn remains silent for a moment and waits for Becca to calm herself a little bit. Once she doesn't look like she's about to hop across the desk and strangle her father, he speaks. 

"Rebecca, honey." Shawn sighs. "You are the number one contender for Mandy's title belt. It's time that you stop worrying yourself with midcarders like Indi Hartwell and start thinking like a future champion." He informs her in a tone that is all business. "What if you got hurt while wrestling a useless match like that? Then what?"

Becca scoffs, not believing what she's hearing from her dad. "Are you kidding me, dad?" She confronts him. "Do you even hear yourself right now? Your whole career in this business got started when you were in a tag team! Does Marty not count anymore? Or uncle Hunter?"

"I'm just trying to do what's best for you, sweetie," Shawn replies. "And I know that you don't think that it's fair. But this business isn't fair. And it's time that you learned that, Rebecca." He gives Becca a firm look that signals that he's done arguing with his daughter.

Becca turns sharply on her heel and storms out of the office. She rounds the corner and finds Waller leaning up against the wall with a stoic look on his face.

"Well then...that was certainly interesting." He tries his best to lighten the mood. "I mean, it sucks that the old man won't let you tag with Indi and all. It's too bad that you can't just book the match yourself." He flashes a sympathetic frown at Becca.

Becca comes to a stop in the hall, an idea popping into her head. Grayson cracks a smile when he sees the look on her face. "You've got an idea, don't you, doll?" Waller asks Becca.

Born To Be A Starजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें