Unplanned Marriage 8.

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Unplanned Marriage 8

Gulf entered the bedroom he was sharing with Mew, for past two weeks, after his parents left after tea. Mew was sitting with him downstairs but left after the topic turned to the identity of the unborn child. He wanted to stop Mew but he kissed his forehead with a genuine smile and left. He knew Mew didnt like it. So he thought to make it clear to his parents and then make it up to Mew. He didnt like that Mew had to leave him everytime they come up with any stupid issue.


"Gulf". His mom asked taking a sip of the yummy tea. Gulf was sitting in Mew's embrace, leaning into him. His parents could see he was relaxed and more happy to see than before. He had gained good weight too. And not to forget how tenderly Mew was treating him. Occasionally racking his hair with fingers, or moving his thumb over the back of his hand while attentively listening to his dad in law.

She could see it wasnt a mere Commitment between them. There were surely feelings growing inside them. And to be honest she was happy to see her son relaxed but she couldnt hold herself to ask what she wanted to.

"Yes Mom"? Gulf turned to her munching on the fruit bites Mew had cut for him, too lazy to even feed himself.

"Hows the baby doing"? She asked with a smile making Mew and Gulf smile too.

"The baby is good mom". He replied with a little shy smile. His ears turned red as Mew chuckled.

"Did you go for gender"?

"No Mom. I thought but Phi Mew wanted a surprise". He looked at Mew with twinkling eyes, yet pouting lips. He wanted to know so bad, but Mew forbade. He said it would be more fun to hold their baby to know if it was a girl or a boy. Mew kissed his temples making him smile again.

"And about his room"?

"Well, my bedroom would be the nursery. Though i would love to have the baby in the same room". He turned to his mom and then back to Mew who fed him a strawberry and wiped his lips with softness.

"It would be everything you want Gulf. Didnt i promise, our baby will have everything you want. Hmmm"? He gently gathered him more close, and Gulf nodded with excitement. It wasnt an act, it wasnt a show. Mew had won his heart with his love and care, and his parents could see that.

"So the name would be hyphenated by Itthipatt. Right"? She said and only then Mew felt how does it feel to be hit by a cold ice bucket. How could he forget? He looked at her with horrified eyes. He went rigid. His shoulder stiffen and there was no way Gulf didnt feel it. He held Mew's hand, looking straight into his eyes.

"Our baby Phi". He said as if assuring Mew, who smiled thinly at him.

"Would you wait for me? I got to work a bit. Make sure your mom dad dont leave without dinner hmm". He kissed his forehead and left.  Gulf watched him going with an aching heart. He knew Mew was heart broken.

He turned to his mom dad who were unbothered. And it made him angry.

"You shouldnt have said it mom. Its his baby. Our baby. Me and Phi Mew. No one was more effected by the fact that Thanitt left us, i had loved him Mom. He was my first. The father of my child. But, its Phi Mew now. He is my husband. No matter how much he loved his brother, but no man can ever hear his husband being associated to any other man. He never once mistreated me. Never stopped caring for me even if it was a forced marriage to him.

He pushed all his memories aside that he had with Phi Tae, not to make me feel insecure, so dont throw it at his face. He loves me. He loves this baby as his own. And i love my husband too. No matter how much we cry,  we cannot bring back Phi Tae and Thanitt back. I dont want to lose the father of my child for the second time.

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