#1: Home - Scooby Doo

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A/N: Set in the same AU as Human Error because I forgot Esteban last time.

At 6 pm on a July night, a blue and green Volkswagen pulled into the parking lot of Crystlada Apartment Complex. Inside were Mystery Incorporated members Fred, Daphne, Shaggy, Scooby and Velma. They were just coming home from a refreshingly low stakes case; the prized pig of the Coolsville Stakeout went missing.

"Velma, we're here." Fred called from the driver's seat.

"Velma, wake up!" Daphne exclaimed as she shook Velma's shoulder.

"Jinkies, I'm up, I'm awake!" Velma sat up from her hunched position by the right backseat window.

"We're at your place." Fred reiterated as he opened the car door.

"Already; that was quick." Fred opened Velma's door and they marched to the trunk.

"That's because you were sleeping." Fred lifted Velma's suitcase out of the trunk and into her hands.

"There; see you later, Velma." Daphne unjammed her door as Velma departed.

"Bye guys!" Velma yelled while she ran to the lobby door.

"Hello Velma; how was the trip?" Mrs. Stewart greeted as Velma walked into the complex.

"Hello Mrs. Stewart; how are you doing?" Velma slowed her speech so Mrs. Stewart could understand her.

Very well. Mrs. Stewart put her left hand towards her chest and touched it with her thumb while the rest of her hand stuck out towards Velma.

I'm good, thank you. Velma doesn't have ample knowledge of sign language but she knows a few basic phrases.

Goodbye. Mrs. Stewart waved as she walked out of the building door.

"Take care." Velma called as she entered the elevator.

Once inside the metal contraption that is the elevator; Velma pressed the button for floor 10 and squeezed between the other occupants.

Once the elevator reached her floor, Velma  walked down the hall to door 10 and opened the door.

"Coco, I'm home!" Velma strolled towards the couch Coco and Esteban were sitting on.

"I missed so much Velma." Coco wrapped her arm around Velma and kissed her chapped lips.

"Looks like Esteban wants to say hello as well." Velma's face turned redder than Mars and she turned away to look at Esteban as he crawled on her lap.

"Oh, my furriness." Velma petted Esteban's thick black and white fur.

"Can't you call me something else?" Esteban complained as looked towards Coco.

"Oh come Esteban; it's not the end of world." Coco rolled her eyes and stared down at Esteban lovingly.

"Yes mom." Esteban sunk into Velma's warm hands as Coco and Velma continued chatting.


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