Chapter 18

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"You're staying with me tonight, right?" Harper asks as soon as I slide into the car with her. I'm a little surprised, since we hadn't really talked about it before, but that's typical Harper. 

She's never boring. 

"Of course, sweets." I agree easily, putting the car in drive. 

"Good." she murmurs, her hand slipping across the center console to rest on my thigh. She gives it a gentle squeeze and I swallow hard. I'm already a fucking mess from watching her tell that guy off at the bar, so every little touch feels like sparks of fire across my skin. 

"You alright?" she asks, giving me a little grin that makes me think she is already aware of my situation.

"Yeah, of course. That guy just pissed me off." I admit. I'm not one for confrontation, but the way that guy was looking at the girls made me want to punch his smug, drunk face. 

"That guy was just a drunk asshole. Don't let him ruin our night." she purrs, pecking kisses up my face to my ear where she bites down gently. I let out an involuntary groan, my whole body shivers and Harper giggles in my ear. 

"You're killin' me, sweets." I murmur, pushing down harder on the gas. I don't know exactly what's going to happen when we get to her place, but I'm damn sure excited to find out. 

She giggles again and sits back in her seat, but  she leaves her hand on my thigh, squeezing it every once in awhile. I barely even remember the drive back to Harper's. Luckily we've been spending so much time together I can put myself on autopilot and make it there without a problem. I pull into a parking spot just around from the front door and help her out, interlocking our fingers as we walk around the front. 

Once we round the corner I turn to say something to her, but she stops dead next to me. I stop with her, watching her but she's not looking at me. I watch as the blood drains from her face, her eyes wide as she stares at the front door. I look where her eyes are pinned and see a hulking man walking towards us. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, my heart starts pumping hard in my chest as I fight the urge to turn and run from this guy. 

"Harper?" he asks, his face becoming visible in the streetlamp. 

I might be straight, but this guy is a handsome son of a bitch and only one thing runs through my mind. 

How does this Zeus looking mother fucker know my girl?

"What are you doing here, Trevor?" Harper asks. 

Trevor. I wrack my brain for the name until it clicks. 

The jackass that cheated on her. 

My hand tightens in hers, and she gives me a reassuring squeeze before she drops my hand and takes a step towards him. I want to put myself between them, but I know Harper is more than capable of handling herself, so I stay alert and watch the situation unfold. 

"Are you fucking kidding me? Kristi and I have been looking all over for you. We were worried about you!" he exclaims, his voice getting louder as his whole body gets tight with frustration. Harper lets out a sharp laugh at his explanation, crossing her arms across her chest. 

"You weren't worried about me while you were fucking her though, were you?" Harper asks, her voice cold and emotionless. It's like she's a different person altogether. Trevor lets out a frustrated growl and I step closer to Harper, staying behind her but letting her know I'm here. 

"Yeah, I know. We fucked up, okay? But you didn't have to just disappear like that. You didn't say a word. We didn't even know you found out. One day every thing's fine and then the next you disappear. Kristi went to class and she said when she got back all of your stuff was gone. You couldn't even leave a fucking note, Harps?" 

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