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The final challenge came. Casper stayed as light on his feet as he could, bow drawn back. Tsu'tey was as silent as ever behind him, following him, staying quiet. Casper breathed in slowly, making sure it wasn't too loud. He stopped in his track when he saw a Hexapede, a creature resembling a deer very closely.

Casper knelt even closer to the ground. His chest moved up and down as he drew his bow back. He watched the Hexapede, seeing if it would move. It didn't. He once again took in a deep breath, pulling his bows string back, before letting it go. It hit the Hexapede right into it's stomach, making the creature yelp out in pain. Casper quickly placed his bow down and hurried over to the creature, wanting to put it out of pain as fast as possible. 

He slid down the hill he was on top of right by the Hexapede's side. He pulled his dagger out of it's sheath, holding it tight in his right hand whilst the other gently held the creature down. He leaned forward, bowing his head for the creature. "I See You, my brother. And I thank you" he said it with as much remorse as he could, plunging the dagger between the ribs of the animal straight to it's heart, finally putting the thing to rest. "Your spirit now rest's with Eywa as your body stays behind to become part of The People" he once again bowed for the Hexapede, and then pulled his dagger out of it, sheathing it up again.

Tsu'tey nodded as Casper pulled the arrow out of the Hexapede. The younger looked twords Tsu'tey, seeing the other satisfied. "It was a clean kill" he smirked at Casper, making his heart go all willy-nilly yet again. "You are ready"


To Casper's relief not only did he pass, but also Jake did too (Kind of unbelievable not going to lie). The brothers, along side some others, were lead by Tsu'tey on top of Direhorse's, up very steep, rocky mountains. But Casper couldn't complain. He was really excited for this, more than he was willing to admit. He felt no fear as he road atop his Direhorse, looking down as rocks fell from below them.

Before long they had come to a stop. There was no more road for the Direhorse's to go through, they on the other hand had a way. Casper watched as Tsu'tey dismounted his horse, so he did the same, bow strewn across his back. He walked up to stand next to Jake, looking up at the 'ladder' of rocks they were going to have to climb. Learning to ride an Ikran is the test every young Hunter has to pass. But to do that, you have to go where the banshees are.

Casper turned to Jake, smirking. Jake huffed out a laugh, sensing his brother's excitement.

With Tsu'tey's lead the rest of them started the climb. Casper actually had fun climbing the rocks, feeling the rush of being so high up. The climb didn't take long, and before long they were already on the top. Tsu'tey was the first to make it to the top, Casper right next to him and Jake behind the duo. Casper watched as a huge rock was coming to fly past them, vines sticking out of it.

"Now what?' Jake asked from behind the two. Tsu'tey watched closely as the vines got closer. "Jump" he told as he leaped for one of the vines, skillfully grabbing it. Casper cheered and followed Tsu'tey's lead, grabbing onto his own vine. He heard a grunt right after him, meaning Jake made it too. One by one each of them had a vine to climb, so they did. 

After vine climbing came running. They ran across sturdy, moss covered vines, leading from one rock to the other. Casper once again couldn't help laughing, running almost side by side with Tsu'tey dew to his excitement. The older didn't seem to mind it one bit, enjoying the other's excitement. Halfway through their journey a shadow crossed them. They all stopped and looked up, seeing Neytiri on top of her Ikran Seze. She cheered, greeting them. Casper cheerfully greeted her back, Tsu'tey starting the run once again.

The final thing they had to make through was just some rocky ground through a cave. They ran as fast as they could dew to the very uneven ground, but it didn't take them long to make it to the top, their heads still being covered by the cave. They watched in awe as all of the Ikran flew around, every last one of them a different size and color. 

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