13. Freshly Frozen Lake

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Once you arrive back at Mitsuri's estate, you inform her of your mission and hand her the large bag of konpeito. She smiles brightly and with stars in her eyes she takes the bag from you.

"You are the best y/n, thank you!!!!"

You smile back at her and then bow to her and Iguro. You begin walking to your room to hide the tote with the pink silk. Once you close the door behind you, you take out the chest bindings and undershirts and place them on your bed. You open your closet and hide the tote in the far back under your winter comforter.

There aren't many things in your closet, mainly your winter comforter with an extra pillow, an extra uniform, a few pairs of undergarments, a yukata, and your sleep attire. I know she respects my privacy, but I really hope she doesn't go through my closet while I'm gone.. it would ruin the surprise.

You open your bedside drawer and place the blue coin pouch back in it's place. You take the green pouch and empty it's contents into your bed before counting it, in total you have around 20,000 yen. You shuffle the coins back into the pouch and place it on your bed. You raise your arm and sniff. I don't have time for a bath...

You lower your arm and remove your haori and uniform. You place your haori on the bed and discard your dirtied uniform and undergarments into the dirty hamper. You pick up the new black chest bindings and begin wrapping. It's so smooth, very comfy.

You grab a fresh pair of underwear and your other uniform. After sliding the underwear on you contemplate if you should wear a thin undershirt, or if you should wear one of the new thicker ones. It's currently mid October and the nights are chilly, so you decide to wear the new navy blue one. You realize just how big it is and change into the other new shirt instead. Still big, but not as bad.

You put on your uniform and then slide your haori on. You take the coin pouch and place it in your pants pocket and resecure your sword to your belt. You open the second drawer on your bedside and look inside. There is a large box in the back that contains some of your savings, and in the front there is a corked bottle containing a the scent oil that Mitsuri gave you, the journal you've had for as long as you can remember that contains all of your training notes, and a few extra hair elastics.

You grab the extra hair elastics and secure them around your right wrist. You take the bottle and uncork it before placing a little of the oil on your wrist and neck, then recork the bottle and place it back in the drawer. You rub the oil in and inhale the pleasant scent.

You take one last look in your room before you shut the door. Sword, haori, uniform, coin pouch, hair ties, food.. damn, no time to make any food..

You head to the front door and place your hand and the handle. You shout your goodbyes into the house before you see Mitsuri rounding a corner quickly.


You turn completely to her as she stops, almost crashing into you. She looks brightly at you with a closed eyed smile and hands out a few leaf wrapped onigiri. You take them from her hesitantly and smile before bowing.

'Thank you Mitsuri, I really appreciate it!'

She pulls you into a tight hug.

"No need to thank me silly, this is what friends are for."

She squeezes tightly for a moment before pulling back and looking behind her. You see Iguro and Kaburamaru over her shoulder.

"Iguro, Kaburamaru, come say goodbye to y/n!"

Iguro reluctantly steps closer to you and Mitsuri and stops directly next to her. The little white snake slithers from Iguro's shoulder over to Mitsuri's and you extend your hand out to the little guy. He slithers up your arm and nuzzles his little head into your cheek. You smile lightly and giggle. He slithers back down your arm and over to Iguro again.

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